

  • 摘要: 鄱阳湖自2020年起实施长江十年禁渔。本研究分析了禁捕前(2017—2019年)和禁捕后(2021—2022年)鄱阳湖25种主要鱼类种群平均体长、体长比例分布(Proportional size distribution, PSD)及性成熟个体占比等3个指标的变化, 从鱼类种群体长结构变化方面评估鄱阳湖禁渔效果。结果显示: 鄱阳湖持续禁渔2年后, 大部分评估鱼类物种个体小型化现象有效缓解, 种群中大个体及性成熟个体占比增加, 种群结构得到优化。具体而言, 在25种评估鱼类中, 24个物种平均体长增加2.3%—115.0% (P<0.05)、种群PSD值增长3—71 (P<0.05); 20个物种种群性成熟个体占比增长23.2%—10712.8%。但不是所有物种都呈现一致性的变化, 其中有1种鱼类(飘鱼)平均体长下降5.0%(P<0.05), 种群PSD值下降21 (P<0.05); 5种鱼类(鲤、鳊、花䱻、飘鱼、大鳍鱊)种群性成熟个体占比下降23.5%—79.8%。在种群稳定状况评估方面, 禁渔前处于不稳定状况(PSD<50及PSD≥80)的鱼类有21种, 仅4种处于稳定状况(50≤PSD<80); 禁渔后种群处于不稳定状况的鱼类减少至15种, 处于稳定状况的增长至10种。总体来说, 禁渔措施促进了鄱阳湖大多数评估物种种群结构的优化, 但也有一部分物种的种群结构呈现出不同的变化趋势。因此, 鄱阳湖应持续执行全面禁渔措施, 同时建立和完善鱼类种群动态的长期监测体系, 通过科学评估与管理, 以实现鄱阳湖渔业资源的可持续恢复及生态系统服务功能的优化提升。


    Abstract: Poyang Lake has been under a comprehensive ten-year fishing moratorium since 2020. This study analyzed the changes in three indicators—average body length, Proportional Size Distribution (PSD), and the proportion of sexually mature individuals—among 25 major fish species in Poyang Lake before the ban (2017—2019) and after the ban (2021—2022). The objective was to evaluate the effects of the fishing ban on population structure of these species. The results showed that after two years of continuous fishing prohibition, the phenomenon of individual dwarfism in major fish species was effectively alleviated, resulting in an increase in the proportion of larger and sexually mature individuals, thus optimizing the population structure. Among the 25 assessed fish species, 24showed an increase in average body length ranging from 2.3% to 115.0% (P<0.05), with corresponding increases in their PSD values by 3 to 71 (P<0.05). Additionally, the proportion of sexually mature individuals increased by 23.2% to 10712.8% for 20species. However, one species, Pseudolaubuca sinensis, exhibited a decrease in average body length of 5.0% (P<0.05) and a decline in PSD value of 21 (P<0.05). For eight fish species (Cyprinus carpio, Xenocypris argentea, Saurogobio dabryi, Coilia brachygnathus, Hemiculter lucidus, Culter alburnu, Acheilognathus macropterus, and Pseudolaubuca sinensis), no significant changes in the Fulton's condition factor were observed. Furthermore, five species (Cyprinus carpio, Parabramis pekinensis, Hemiculter leucisculus, Pseudolaubuca sinensis, and Acheilognathus macropterus) showed a decrease in the proportion of sexually mature individuals, ranging from 23.5% to 79.8%. In the assessment of population stability status, prior to the fishing ban, 21species were categorized as unstable (PSD<50 and PSD>80), while only 4species were deemed stable (50≤PSD≤80). Following the implementation of the fishing ban, the number of unstable species decreased to 15, whereas the number of stable species increased to 10. In summary, the population structure of the majority of major species in Poyang Lake improved following the fishing ban, although some species showed different changes. It is recommended that the comprehensive fishing ban in Poyang Lake should be sustained, along with continuous and comprehensive monitoring of fish populations, to achieve effective recovery of fishery resources and enhancement of overall ecosystem service functions in Poyang Lake.


