

  • 摘要: 人工湿地作为一种高生产力的生态系统能为人类提供多种服务。但多年来对人工湿地的研究主要集中在其净化机理上, 而一直缺乏系统、综合的人工湿地生态系统服务评价体系。基于层次分析法和模糊隶属函数法等数学理论, 首次建立了对人工湿地生态系统服务进行综合评价的方法——人工湿地生态系统服务综合指数。开展了以北京奥林匹克森林公园人工湿地为例生态系统服务综合评价。其生态系统服务综合指数的得分为0.7848 分。该得分较理想, 说明北京奥林匹克森林公园人工湿地具有可观的生态系统服务价值。它能在净化水质、提供栖息地、有机质生产、微气候调节、休闲娱乐和科研教育等诸多方面提供良好服务。对人工湿地生态系统服务进行综合评价, 有利于比较不同人工湿地或同一人工湿地不同时期服务质量的优劣, 从而为人工湿地的研发、设计、建设、运行和管理提供指导。


    Abstract: Constructed wetland is a quite productive ecosystem that can provide very abundant services for people. Most of the previous researches on constructed wetland focused on its purification efficiency and working mechanism. However, there was a lack of one kind of systematic and comprehensive evaluating system on constructed wetland ecosystem service. A new method, comprehensive index of ecosystem service of constructed wetland, based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy membership function method, was developed to valuate ecosystem service of constructed wetland. It could be developed by several steps as follows: Firstly, a comprehensive evaluation model of constructed wetland and its indicator system were set up. Secondly, specialists' marking method was used to construct the judgment matrices of criterion and alternatives. Thirdly, the consistency of matrices was tested until they accorded with the test rule. Fourthly, appropriate fuzzy membership functions of the alternatives' indicators and its relative parameters were built up. Fifthly, the BOFP-CW was selected as an example, and the original values of relative indicators were calculated. Sixthly, according to its original values and fuzzy membership functions the fuzzy memberships were computed. Seventhly, the final ranking of criterion and alternatives of comprehensive evaluation of constructed wetland ecosystem service were conducted, and its final priorities were computed. Finally, multiplied the final priorities by fuzzy memberships, and the total of the result was comprehensive index of BOFP-CW ecosystem service which was calculated at 0.7848 points (the full mark was 1, and 0.6 was up to grade). This score indicated that the ecosystem service of BOFP constructed wetland was of great worth. It could serve people well by purifying water, providing habitat, regulating microclimate, entertaining and educating citizens and working as scientific research base. The comprehensive evaluation offered a method to compare the quality of ecosystem service on different constructed wetland or the same constructed wetland in different period, respectively. It was of great significance for the research, improvement, construction, running and maintenance of constructed wetland.


