

  • 摘要: 逗亚科似逗属鱼类的物种界定保持争议, 系统发育关系尚待解决。研究取样似逗属鱼类所有种, 使用核基因多位点序列重建似逗属鱼类的系统发育关系, 运用分子的物种界定方法并结合形态特征分析厘定我国似逗属鱼类的分类。贝叶斯系统发育树结果表明: 桂林似逗与平江似逗是单系种; 似逗与扁嘴似逗是多系种, 前者包括五个谱系A至E, 后者包括两个谱系A与B。POFAD距离分析和Structurama分析的结果表明似逗和扁嘴似逗的每个谱系是独立遗传种群, BP & P分析结果强烈支持它们是不同种。*Beast物种树结果揭示: 扁嘴似逗谱系B位于似逗属鱼类的基部位置; 似逗谱系A与B是姊妹群关系, 似逗谱系C是扁嘴似逗谱系A的姊妹群, 它们一起与桂林似逗形成姊妹群关系; 似逗谱系D与E是姊妹群关系, 它们一起是平江似逗的姊妹群。结合形态证据, 对我国似逗属鱼类分类厘定如下: 限定严格意义似逗包括似逗谱系A+B; 恢复长吻似逗(Pseudogobio longirostris Mori, 1934)给予似逗谱系C分类名; 似逗谱系D与E是隐存种, 桂林似逗与平江似逗是有效种。


    Abstract: Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of the genus Pseudogobio fishes in the subfamily Gobio-ninae remain debated and unresolved. This study used molecular species delimitation methods and morphological analyses to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of Pseudogobio fishes based on nuclear loci and the classification of this genus in China. The results of Bayesian tree showed that Pseudogobio guilinensis and P. banggiangensis were monophyletic specie, and that P. vaillanti and P. escocinus were polyphyletic species that the former included five Clades A-E and the latter was comprised of two Clades A and B. The analyses of POFAD and Structurama showed that each clade of P. vaillanti and P. escocinus were independent genetic populations, and BP & P analysis strongly supported them as different species. The results of *Beast species tree revealed that P. esocinus Clade B occupied a basal position of Pseudogobio fishes; Clades A and B of P. vaillanti were the sister taxon relationship, and P. vaillanti Clade C was the sister taxon of P. esocinus Clade A, and all of them together were the sister group of P. guilinensis; Clades D and E of P. vaillanti were the sister taxon relationship, which were the sister group of P. banggiangensis. A revised classification of Pseudogobio fishes in China by molecular and morphological evidence as follows: P. vaillanti sensu stricto was limited to P. vaillanti Clades A and B; A resurrection of P. longirostris Mori, 1934 was assigned to P. vaillanti Clade C; Clades D and E of P. vaillanti were cryptic species, and P. guilinensis and P. banggiangensis were valid species, respectively.


