

  • 摘要: 中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis) 是我国的一级重点保护野生动物, 也是长江水生动物保护的旗舰物种。近年来, 中华鲟已多次被监测到未进行野外自然繁殖, 其生存前景堪忧。有关其没有繁殖的原因存在多方面的争议, 尤其是黄真理等提出葛洲坝水利枢纽修建造成中华鲟性腺退化严重, 是导致中华鲟种群数量急剧减少的主要因素; 同时, 还宣称“中科院水生所有关否定中华鲟性腺退化的方法和材料, 是不充分和不可靠的”。为了避免该错误观点对中华鲟的保护造成误导, 文章从中华鲟的性腺发育过程及退化的判断标准、中华鲟的生活史阶段及性腺状态、葛洲坝与三峡工程对中华鲟繁殖影响等方面, 分析该观点的谬误之处。柯福恩等将正常发育的中华鲟III期性腺误判为是“退化性腺”; 文章认为刚进入长江不久的中华鲟亲鱼即出现性腺退化, 不符合中华鲟性腺发育的规律。多年监测数据显示, 葛洲坝水利枢纽导致中华鲟洄游距离缩短并没有改变中华鲟繁殖的时间格局, 也没有改变中华鲟性腺成熟的比例。黄真理等歪曲他人实际监测的数据, 提出的洄游距离影响中华鲟性腺发育的模型纯粹是不懂鱼类生物学的人玩弄的数学游戏。尽管现阶段中华鲟的保护确实遇到了困境, 但随着“长江十年禁渔”的实施, 电捕和滚钩等彻底取缔, 限制产卵场区域人类活动, 加强中华鲟野外产卵场的修复, 并进行更大规格、更大规模的群体放流, 中华鲟的种群还是有可能恢复的。


    Abstract: Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), a critically endangered and iconic species in the Yangtze River, failed to breed in recent years, making this species on the brink of extinction. The causes of breeding failure remains controversial. Huang, et al. proposed that the construction of Gezhouba Dam was the main factor that resulted in serious gonadal degeneration of the mature Chinese sturgeon, ultimately leading to its sharp population decline. Besides, they also claimed that “the methods and materials of the research performed by Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) to deny the concept of gonadal degeneration of Chinese sturgeon are inadequate and unreliable”. In order to prevent this wrong conception from misleading conservation for Chinese sturgeon, here we refuted this wrong conception by analyzing the following aspects: the gonadal development and degradation criteria, life history stages and gonadal status of Chinese sturgeon, as well as the effects of Gezhouba Dam and Three Gorges Dam on the spawning activities. Our analysis indicated that Ke, et al. misjudged the normally developed stage Ⅲ gonad of Chinese sturgeon as “degenerated gonad”. Their viewpoint that the gonads of adult sturgeons started to degenerate quickly after entering the Yangtze was also wrong because the viewpoint obviously departed from the common law of gonadal development of Chinese sturgeon. By analyzing long-term monitoring data, we demonstrated that the spawning dates and the gonadal maturation ratio of the spawning stock did not change significantly after the migration distance was shorter due to the construction of Gezhouba Dam. The effective breeding model proposed and constructed by Huang, et al. is completely erroneous because they distortedly interpreted and used the data from previous studies. Their model is only a mathematical game created by people without fish biological knowledge. Although the current protection of Chinese sturgeon is challenging, we believe that the population of this species will be recovered if we can reduce human activities in the spawning area, take more effective actions to restore the spawning ground and the breeding conditions, and release more big-size individuals when accompanying with the implementation of ten-years fishing ban in the Yangtze River.


