

  • 摘要: 为建立坛紫菜(Neoporphyra haitanensis)丝状体新品种选育的生化评价体系, 对比了5个品种/品系丝状体的光合色素和生长指标, 并利用液相色谱-质谱联用技术检测其红藻糖苷、类菌胞素氨基酸(MAAs)和植物激素的含量差异。结果显示, 藻胆蛋白和叶绿素a与净光合放氧速率和相对生长速率呈正相关, 与坛紫菜的高产特性有关。浙东2号(ZD2)、申福2号(SF2)和闽丰1号(MF1)丝状体的藻红蛋白含量较高, 其相对生长速率也较快。红藻糖苷与坛紫菜的耐高温能力有关, 在MF1和MF2中含量较高; 而MAAs与抗紫外辐射有关, 在MF2中含量远高于其他4个品种/品系, 体现了闽丰坛紫菜的耐高温和抗紫外线的南方品种特性。坛紫菜丝状体中发现了异戊烯腺嘌呤、异戊烯腺苷、反式玉米素核苷和芸苔素内酯4种植物激素, 但激素与生产性状的关联性不明确。综上所述, 研究为坛紫菜丝状体的新品种优选和人工培育构建了一套可行的评价指标体系。


    Abstract: In order to reflect the correlation between the biochemical parameters and traits of Neoporphyra haitanensis conchocelis and establish a biochemical evaluation system for the selection of new varieties, the photosynthetic pigments and growth indicators of the conchocelis of 5 varieties/strains were compared, and the contents of floridosides, mycosporine-like amino-acids (MAAs) and phytohormones were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that phycobiliprotein and chlorophyll a were positively correlated with the net photosynthetic oxygen release rate and the relative growth rate, and were related to the high-yield characteristics of N. haitanensis. The conchocelis of Zhedong 2 (ZD2), Shenfu 2 (SF2) and Minfeng 1 (MF1) had higher phycoerythrin content and relatively fast growth rate. Floridosides were related to the high-temperature resistance of N. haitanensis. MF1 and MF2 were dominated by isofloridosides, while other varieties/strains were dominated by floridosides. MAAs is related to resistance to ultraviolet radiation. MF1 and MF2 contained high Shinorine content, and the content of MAAs in MF2 was much higher than that of the other 4 varieties/strains, reflecting the high temperature tolerance and UV resistance of the characteristics of southern varieties of Minfeng. Four plant hormones were found in the conchocelis of N. haitanensis, including isoprene adenine, isoprene adenosine, trans-Zeatin nucleoside and brassinolide, but the relationship between the hormones and production traits was not clear. In summary, the parameters of phycobiliprotein, chlorophyll a, floridosides and MAAs are closely related to the different biological characteristics of N. haitanensis. This study constructed a set of feasible evaluation index system for the selection and cultivation of the conchocelis of new varieties of N. haitanensis.


