

  • 摘要: 为研究大口黑鲈蛙虹彩病毒(Largemouth Bass Ranavirus, LMBV)传代致弱毒株LMBV-ZJDSS-F110的特性, 研究开展了该病毒的复制效率、毒力、体内病毒载量变化、比较基因组、免疫保护率、免疫后免疫相关基因表达和毒力返强等试验。结果显示: 采用FHM培养, F110代次毒滴度可达109.1 TCID50/mL, 以剂量108.0 TCID50/mL×0.1 mL注射大口黑鲈, 未见死亡。不同代次毒株体内组织病毒载量测试, 结果显示: 传代毒F5、F45和F110 在7d时脾脏和鳃的病毒载量要高于3d, 而F90在两时间点的病毒载量变化不显著, 表明传代毒F90相较于F45, F110相较于F90都出现了特性改变。不同代次毒株F5与F110比较基因组学分析显示: LMBV-ZJDSS-F110出现了10处变异, 其中有7处可以引起编码区的变化。将传代弱毒F110通过注射和浸泡免疫大口黑鲈, 结果显示108.0 TCID50/mL浓度组都获得了对强毒F5株70%免疫保护率, 而头肾中免疫因子(TNF-α、CD8b、IgM、IgT、IFN-γ)基因表达量在免疫后14d达到峰值, 且注射组显著高于浸泡免疫组, 其中IFN-γ表达量接近对照组的50倍。活体传代毒力返强测试结果显示, F110活体盲传5代未引起死亡。以上研究表明, LMBV-ZJDSS-F110是一株安全有效的弱毒疫苗株, 这为大口黑鲈蛙虹彩病毒病的免疫预防提供了路径。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the characteristics of LMBV-ZJDSS-F110, an attenuated transmissible strain of Largemouth bass virus (LMBV), this study examined various factors, including replication efficiency, virulence, in vivo viral load changes, comparative genomes, immune protection rate, expression of immune-related genes after immunization , and virulence regression of the virus. The results showed that, when cultured in FHM, the viral titer of F110 generation reached 109.1 TCID50/mL, and no mortality was observed in largemouth bass when injected at a dose of 108.0 TCID50/mL×0.1 mL. Tissue viral load tests on different generations of strains showed that the viral loads in spleen and gills of transmission strains F5, F45, and F110 were higher in the 7d than that in the 3d, whereas the viral loads of F90 did not change significantly at the two time points, which indicated that the characteristics of the transmission strain F90had changed compared with those of F45 and F110. Comparative genomic analyses of the F5 and F110strains showed that LMBV-ZJDSS-F110 exhibited 10 mutations, of which 7 could cause changes in the coding region. Immunization trials using both injection and immersion showed that the 108.0 TCID50/mL concentration group obtained 70% immune protection rate against the strong F5strain. Gene expression of immune factors (TNF-α, CD8b, IgM, IgT, IFN-γ) in the head and kidney reached a peak on the 14d after immunization and was significantly higher in the injected group than that of the immersion group, with the expression of IFN-γ was significantly higher. Specifically, the expression of IFN-γ was nearly 50 times that of the control group. The results of in vivo virulence test showed that F110 did not cause any mortality in 5 generations of blind in vivo transmission. The above studies indicate that LMBV-ZJDSS-F110 is a safe and effective weakly virulent vaccine strain, which provides a pathway for the immunization of largemouth bass virus.


