

  • 摘要: 实验以鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)为研究对象, 选择初始体重为(37.26±0.22)g的健康鳜216尾, 随机分为6个处理组, 分别饲喂亮氨酸(Leu)水平为1.88%、2.49%、3.13%、3.73%、4.29%和4.90%的实验饲料(记作L1.88、L2.49、L3.13、L3.73、L4.29、L4.90)8周, 探究不同Leu水平饲料对鳜幼鱼生长、抗氧化能力、肝脏健康及非特异性免疫功能的影响。实验结果表明, 鳜肝体比及脏体比与Leu水平呈线性正相关, 鳜的增重率、特定生长率均在L3.13组达到最大值, 其中Leu缺乏组(L1.88)和过量组(L4.90)的增重率及特定生长率均显著低于其余各组(P<0.05)。此外, L3.13组饲料系数显著低于L1.88、L2.49、L4.29和L4.90组(P<0.05)。随着Leu水平的升高, 全鱼粗蛋白和粗脂肪整体呈先升高后降低的趋势, 其中L3.13、L3.73和L4.29组全鱼粗脂肪显著高于其余各组(P<0.05), L3.19和L4.90组肝脏粗蛋白显著低于L3.13组。Leu水平的升高引起肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性先升高后降低, 且均在L1.88组最低。L3.13组和L3.73组SOD、GSH-Px活性都显著高于其余各组(P<0.05)。L3.13和L3.73组血清溶菌酶(LYZ)和补体成分3(C3)含量均显著高于其余各组(P<0.05); 随着Leu水平的升高, 血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和谷草转氨酶(AST)活性, 展现出先下降后上升趋势, L3.13组ALT活性最低, L3.73组AST活性最低; L1.88组AST活性显著高于其余各组(P<0.05)。L3.13组与L3.73组nf-κb-p65tnf-α表达显著低于其余各组(P<0.05)。L3.13、L3.73和L4.29组il-1β、pai的基因表达量显著低于其他组(P<0.05)。L3.13和L3.73组肝脏细胞的空泡化程度明显低于其余各组, 这与血清中ALT和AST水平变化趋势和免疫基因表达的结果是一致的。以上结果表明, 适宜水平的饲料Leu能够提高饲料效率和蛋白沉积以增进鳜的生长, 改善肝脏健康并且显著增强鳜的非特异免疫能力; 而过高或者过低的Leu水平均不利于鳜的生长和免疫。此外, 基于增重率的二次回归分析显示, 鳜幼鱼饲料最佳Leu水平为3.28%, 占蛋白水平的6.92%。


    Abstract: In this experiment, 216healthy Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi) with an initial weight of (37.26±0.22) g were selected and randomly divided into six treatment groups. Each group was fed an experimental diet containing different leucine levels of 1.88%, 2.49%, 3.13%, 3.73%, 4.29%, and 4.90%, designated as L1.88, L2.49, L3.13, L3.73, L4.29 and L4.90 for 8 weeks. The experimental results showed that the hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic indices of Siniperca chuatsi were linearly positively correlated with dietary leucine levels. The highest weight gain rate and specific growth rate were observed in the L3.13 group, while both indices were significantly lower in the leucine-deficient group (L1.88) and excess group (L4.90) groups compared to the other groups (P<0.05). In addition, the feed conversion rate of L3.13 group was significantly lower than those of other groups except for L3.73 group (P<0.05). With the increase in Leu levels, the overall trends of crude protein and crude fat in whole fish first increased and then decreased. The crude fat content in the L3.13, L3.73, and L4.29 groups was significantly higher than that of the other groups (P<0.05). The hepatic crude protein of the L3.19 and L4.90 groups was significantly lower than that of the L3.13 group. With the increase of leucine level, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in liver were firstly increased and then decreased, and both were the lowest in the L1.88 group, while their activities in the L3.13 and L3.73 groups were significantly higher than those in other groups (P<0.05). Similarly, serum lysozyme (LYZ) and complement 3 (C3) in L3.13 and L3.73 groups were significantly higher than those of other groups (P<0.05). The activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)decreased first and then increased with the increase of leucine content as well. ALT activity was the lowest in L3.13 group and the AST activity was the lowest in L3.73 group. Conversely, AST activity in L1.88 group was significantly higher than that in other groups (P<0.05). The expressions of n f-κb-p65 and tnf-α in L3.13 and L3.73 groups were significantly lower than those in other groups (P<0.05). The expressions of pai and il-1β in L3.13, L3.73 and L4.29 groups were significantly lower than that in other groups (P<0.05). The degree of vacuolation in liver cells of the L3.13 and L3.73 groups was significantly lower than that in the other groups, which is consistent with the trends in serum ALT and AST levels and the expression of immune genes. The results show that suitable dietary leucine levels can significantly improve feed efficiency, protein deposition, liver health, and nonspecific immunity of Siniperca chuatsi. However, excessive or insufficient leucine level is detrimental to the growth and immunity. In addition, quadratic regression analysis based on weight gain rate estimated the optimal dietary leucine level for juvenile Siniperca chuatsi to be 3.28%, accounting for 6.92% of protein level. This study provide a theoretical basis for feed formulation and breeding strategies for Siniperca chuatsi.


