

  • 摘要: 本文研究了饥饿胁迫下食蚊鱼仔鱼的摄食、生长和外部形态的变化规律。结果表明,在水温(28.5±1.2)℃时,仔鱼产出2h后鳔完成充气即建立巡游模式并开始觅食,摄食比率迅速达到100%,其混合营养期仅有4h。实验期间,投喂组仔鱼的摄食比率一直保持在100%;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0—3d内初次摄食比率同样可达到或接近100%,但第4天开始下降,第6天初次摄食比率降至0,抵达饥饿不可逆点(PNR)时间为产出后第5.5天左右。投喂组初产仔鱼对1—2龄期库蚊幼虫的摄食强度为(2.9±1.4)ind/individual·h,摄食强度随日龄显著增长;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0—5d内其初次摄食强度也随日龄及饥饿时间的延长显著增长,但均显著低于相应日龄的投喂组仔鱼,其初次摄食比率与初次摄食强度之间并无显著相关关系。饥饿仔鱼在PNR前约1.5d时其累计死亡率已超半数,达(64.4±18.1)%,抵达PNR后数小时内残存个体全部死亡。实验结束(6d)时投喂组仔鱼5项生长指标呈不等速增长,其中体重增长最为显著,瞬时增长率达0.0275/d,此时腹鳍发育基本完备,进入幼鱼期。而同期饥饿组仔鱼形态发育停滞,多项生长指标出现负增长,其中体高负增长最为明显,其瞬时增长率为-0.0511/d;体重次之,体长负增长则不甚明显。饥饿仔鱼在接近或处在PNR期时腹部萎缩呈弧形,体长/体高5,而同期投喂组仔鱼体长/体高4.5,两者差异显著,可作为鉴别饥饿仔鱼和健康仔鱼较理想的形态数量指标。


    Abstract: Mosquito fish Gambusia affinis is a small, ovoviviparous topminnow, native to the North America which had been an invasive species widely in the world.The larvae of this species were reared at about (28.5±1.2)℃in laboratory to examine the feeding ability change, growth and morphological development under starvation condition to investigate their early recruitment potential fluctuation affected by starvation factor.All larvae were divided into 3 groups :unfed, feeding and mortality observation group, each group were reared in three 2.5L glass tanks.Every day 5 larvae were taken from the culture tanks of unfed or feeding group to measure the morphological indexes in microscope respectively,while 10 larvae were taken to examine feeding ratio and intensity.The dead larvae of mortality observation group were recorded and removed every day. The results showed that the new born larvae developed perfectly, swam and preyed freely after 2 hours when the swim bladder was filled with gas,and used the yolk-sac to provide energy about 6 hours.Their mixed-nutrient stage lasted only 4 hours. During the experiment, the feeding ratio of feeding larvae was 100%while unfed larvae had feeding ratio at 100%when re-fedfrom 0d to 3d following by decreasing rate.On the 5thd, feeding ratio of unfed larvae was remarkable lower than those of feeding larvae.On the 6thd, unfed larvae feeding ratio was 0.Feeding ratio of unfed larvae had negative relationship with starvation time.The new born larvae feeding intensity on 1—2 stage mosquito larvae was (2.9 ±1.4)ind/ind·h, which increasing rapidly, and each 6-d-born fish can capture more than 11 mosquito larvae.After re-feeding, unfed larvae feeding intensity increased with their age during 0—4d, but was very remarkable lower than those of feeding fish at the same age,and dropped on the 5thd.There were no remarkable relationship between initial feeding ratio and initial feeding intensity of unfed larvae.The-point-of-no-return (PNR) was 5.5 day of unfed larvae.The death rate of unfed larvae was lest than 10%on 0—3d,(64.4 ±18.1)%on 4d and 100%on 6d while feeding larvae was no more than 5%.At the 6th day after birth, the venter fins of feeding larvae developed and different part of the body had different growth rate.The body depth (BD)and weight (W)of unfed larvae performed remarkable negative growth rate.Standard body length (SL)/Body depth (BD)ratio was higher than 5 in unfed larvae while lower than 4.5 in feeding larvae, which can be applied to distinguish the starvation and healthy larvae in field research.The relationship between larvae starvation tolerance and competitive ability and their invasion were also discussed in this paper.


