The biochemical compositions and substances in serum of Gaoyou hvbrid cru-cian carp and its parents were determined by using Beckman Clinical BiochemicalAnalyzer, including total protein(TP),albumin(Alb),globulin(Glo),cholesterol(Chol),glucose(Glu),blood urea nitrogen(BUN),lactate dehydrogenase(LDH),α-amylase(Amy),α-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase(HBDH)and glutamicoxaloacetictransaminase(GOT)etc.Significant difference was not observed(p0.05)LetweenGaoyou hybrid crucian carp and its maternal parent for the majority of these bioche-lnical compositions,while it has observed between Gaoyou hybrid crucian carp andits paternal parent.It is demonstrated from the metabolical aspect that the Gaoyouhybrid crucian carp is a matroLlinal hybrid.