

  • 摘要: 对杭州西湖的底栖动物,在25个布点,四季采样,共获54种。其中寡毛类22种,摇蚊幼虫18种,其它各类动物14种。如果不包括三潭内湖,则西湖中只采到21种。底栖动物的加权年平均密度为443.9个/m2,生物量为1.473g/m2;摇蚊幼虫的数量居次。软体动物相当贫乏,与该湖富营养化程度较重,底泥松软,水生植被缺乏有关。在苏堤以西3个湖区,底栖动物的数量明显高于东面两个湖区,反映了环境条件的差异。西湖底栖动物的优势种如霍甫水丝蚓等,Ig数值表明它们均呈聚集分布。然而在水草繁茂的三潭内湖,底栖动物多达48种,优势种组成也有较大差异。文中对底栖动物数量的季节变动作了分析,并对底栖动物的鱼产潜力进行了初步估算。


    Abstract: The West Lake in Hangzhou is an eutrophic lake with a surface area of 5.66 km2 and a mean depth of 1.5 m. In October 1982 and January, April and July 1983, benthic macroinvertebrates were collected at 25 sampling stations in the lake. A total of 54 species were identified, including 22 species of Oligochaeta, 18 chironomids, 6 Insecta other than Chironomidae, 5 Gastropoda, 1 Hirudinea, 1 Nematoda and 1 Isopoda. Only 21 species of Zoobenths were found in the lake excluding the santanyinyue area. Of them, 11 were oligochaetes, 6 chironomids, 1 ceratopogonid, and 3 gastropods. The weighted annual mean density and biomass of zoobenthos were 443.9 ind./m2 and 1.473g/m2 respectively. Oligochaetes and chironomids contributed to, respectively, 80.1% and 19.4% of the total density, and 82.9% and 16.6% of the total biomass. Molluscs, found at the edges of the lake only, were nearly absent due to the particularly soft sediment and the lake of aquatic vegetation caused by eutrophication. Both density and biomass of zoobenthos in the three subareas to the west of the Su Causeway were much higher than those in the two subareas to its east. This reflected the differences in environmental conditions between the two regions. The dominant species in the lake were Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi, Aulodrilus pluriseta, Tanypus punctipennis, Proclaims choreus and Chironomus plumosus. I8 -index indicated that the distribution of each of these species was aggregative. In the Santanyinyue area where aquatic macrophytes were abundant, the number of zoobenthic species was 48 and the composition of dominant species was considerably different from that in the other subareas. The seasonal changes in density and biomass of zoobenthos in the lake were analysed. An evaluation was made on the potential fish production that can be supported by zoobenthos.


