

  • 摘要: 用色谱和光谱两种方法对金鱼总色素和色素组分进行了研究。研究结果表明,红鲫、草金鱼和红龙睛等红色金鱼总色素光谱在可见光区(472nm附近)有一个吸收峰,黑鲫和黑龙睛等黑色金鱼在可见光区(450nm和472nm附近)有两个吸收峰出现,且红色金鱼所含色素组分以红色(虾青素)为主,黑色金鱼所含色素组分以杏黄色和橙色为主,其他色素组分为辅。金鱼黑色色斑形成是由于黑色素存在时,其他各色素组分的颜色被掩盖的结果;金鱼其他各种色斑的形成则是由于其体内各色素组分以不同比例相互搭配组合的结果。亲缘关系越近的金鱼其总色素组成就越相似,红鲫和黑鲫均含有四种近乎相同的色素组分,红龙睛和黑龙睛均含有六种近乎相同的色素组分,草金鱼虽也含有四种与红鲫和黑鲫相近的色素组分,但Rf值略有差异。据此推测,红鲫和黑鲫、红龙睛和黑龙睛可能分别具有较近的亲缘关系,而草金鱼则可能是介于黑鲫和龙睛鱼之间,且与黑鲫具有较近的亲缘关系。该研究有望为金鱼增色饵料的研制与开发提供理论依据,使金鱼的观赏价值和经济价值得到进一步提高。


    Abstract: The study was conducted to investigate the total pigment components of different breeds of goldfish by spectrophotometer and thin-layer chromatography. The results showed the spectrum of total pigment of Red color crucian. Grass goldfish and Red Dragon-eye had one absorption peaks in visible region( 472nm). The spectrum of total pigment of Black carp and Black Dragoneye had two similar absorption peaks in visible region( 450nm and 472nm). The pigment components of different breeds of Red color goldfish were mainly Red pigment( astaxanthin). The pigment components of different breeds of Black color goldfish were mainly apricot or orange pigment. The black spots of goldfish may be formed when melanin covered other pigment, other color spots may be formed when the pigment component of all kinds were mixed in proper proportions. The more the relation of color spots is close, the more the total pigment component is similar. Red color crucian and Black carp had same pigment components of four kinds, Red Dragon-eye and Black Dragon-eye had the same pigment components of six kinds, although there are four pigment components, which are close to the ones in Red color crucian and Black carp in the body of Grass goldfish, but Grass goldfishps RF has slight difference with Red color crucian and Black carp. As above, Red color crucian and Black carp, Red Dragon-eye and Black Dragon-eye probably are close relatives, respectively, and the category of Grass goldfish may possibly fall between Black carp and Dragon-eye, which has a closer relative with Black carp. This study will give help to the research and development of goldfish color-adding diet and further enhancement of goldfish ornamental value and market value.


