Keratella cochlearis K. quadrata, Polyarthra trigla, Filinia longiseta, Asplanchna priodonta, Synchaeta pectinata, S. tremula, Brachionus angularis and
B. calyciflorus are the predominant planktonic species which attain the widest range of distribution, occurring almost all types of fresh-water bodies, from the shallowest swamps to the pelagic regions of deep-water lakes. Among the benthic rotifers,
Rotaria neptunia, R. tardigrada,Philodina megalotricha,Colurella bicuspidata, Lepadella ovalis, Trichotria pocillum, Mytilina ventralis, Lecane luna, Monostyla bulla, M. hamata, M. quadridentata, Scaridium longicaudium, Diurella porcellus, D. weberi and
Testudinella patina are universally present in swamps, ponds, shallow-water lakes and the littoral region of deep-water lakes.