摘要: 测定和分析了热带亚热带地区的3座大型水库---流溪河、飞来峡和公平水库枯水期浮游植物的脂肪酸组成,探讨了热带亚热带地区浮游植物的群落特征与脂肪酸组成之间的关系以及脂肪酸组成特征与水体营养状态之间的关系。3座水库的浮游植物数量很低,没有形成明显的优势种类,但以硅藻的相对丰度较高。公平水库各门类浮游植物的数量均高于流溪河和飞来峡水库,尤其是硅藻的数量。10月份3座水库的营养状态相差较大,流溪河水库接近贫营养状态,公平水库处于中营养状态,而飞来峡水库则处于贫-中营养状态。12月份3座水库均处于中营养状态。3座水库的脂肪酸浓度较低,处于1.783-9.808μg/L之间。两次采样相比,10月份流溪河水库和飞来峡水库的浮游植物脂肪酸种类较多,各种脂肪酸的浓度也相对较高,检测到EPA和DHA,公平水库仅检测到饱和脂肪酸;12月份,3座水库的脂肪酸组成简单,除飞来峡水库检测到2种单不饱和脂肪酸(C16:1和C18:1)外,3座水库只检测到饱和脂肪酸。因此水库的脂肪酸组成特征反映了这3座水库的富营养化程度的差别。另外公平水库两次调查的浮游植物脂肪酸只有饱和脂肪酸,浮游动物难以有效利用,这有可能是该水库浮游植物生物量高的一个重要原因。从本研究结果来看,应用脂肪酸组成对浮游植物群落结构和富营养化水平的指示是灵敏而可行的。Abstract: We reported the composition of phytoplankton fatty acids and the relationships between the fatty acid composition andphytoplankton communities,the fatty acid contents and trophic states in three tropica- l subtropical reservoirs: Liuxihe Reservoir,Feilaixia Reservoir and Gongping Reservoir in the dry season(October and December) of 2002. In three reservoirs, the abun -dances of phytoplankton were low and there were no distinct dominant species but the relative abundance of Bacillariophyceacewere high.The abundance of all phytoplankton in Gongping Reservoir was higher than that in the other two reservoirs, especiallythe abundance of Bacillariopheans was much higher. In theOctober, the trophic states of three reservoirs were different,theLiux- ihe Reservoir was near to oligotrophic,Gongping Reservoir was mesotrophic and Feilaixia Reservoir was oligo -mesotrophic. In theDecember, all the three reservoirs were mesotrophic.The concentrations of fatty acids in the waterwas low,ranging from 11783 to 91808Lg/L. In the October, the fatty acid species were rich and the concentration was high in the Liuxihe Reservoir and FeilaixiaReservoir. EPA and DHA were detected in the two reservoirs, while only saturated fatty acids were detected in the GongpingReservoir. In the December, the composition of fatty acids was simple and only the saturated fatty acids were detected in the threereservoirs with the exception of two species of monounsaturated fatty acids ( C16: 1 and C18: 1) in the Feilaixia Reservoir.Thus,the composition of fatty acids reflected the difference of the trophic states in the three reservoirs. It needs to be pointed out thatonly the saturated fatty acids were detected in Gongping Reservoir in the two sampling periods. Regarding of the high chlorophylla concentration in the reservoir, it may suggest that the phytoplankton without unsaturated fatty acids were difficult to be grazedand utilized effectively by the zooplankton, being accumulated in the water. Generally speaking, the fatty acid was sensitive andfeasible to indicate the change in the phytoplankton community and trophic state of the reservoirs.