湖泥施肥的研究 Ⅰ.通过湖泥矿化进行水体施肥
STUDIES ON THE FERTILIZATION OF THE LAKE WATER WITH THE LAKE MUD SEDIMENT——Ⅰ.Lake mud with quicklime used as a fertilizer to raise the productivity of lakes
摘要: 1958年9月—1959年9月在湖北黄石市北郊花马湖(鄂城县境)进行湖泥施肥试验,在室内、室外先后试验了35次,历时343天,在党的正确领导和全体工作人员的积极努力下,利用湖泥施肥的方法获得了成功。Abstract: The mud sediment in eutropic shallow lakes is generally more than one meter in depth, and the pH values range between 5.2 to 7.0. In 500 kg. of dried muds, there has been found 2.0—2.5 kg. of total nitrogen, 150—500 g. of total phosphorus, 1.0—1.5 kg. of potassium and 15—20 kg. of organic carbon.