

  • 摘要: 对卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)肝脏、脾脏、头肾和体肾4种组织器官内各种血细胞的发生和外周血液的血细胞分类组成进行了观察. 结果表明: 卵形鲳鲹的红细胞主要在脾脏、体肾和头肾中发生;淋巴细胞主要在体肾、头肾和脾脏中发生;粒细胞主要在头肾和体肾中发生;单核细胞在肝脏、头肾和脾脏中均有发生;而血栓细胞的发生在这4种组织中均未观察到. 卵形鲳鲹在外周血液中的白细胞包括淋巴细胞、血栓细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和单核细胞. 在这几种白细胞中, 单核细胞数量最少, 很难观察到, 数量少于1%;嗜中性粒细胞稍多, 有(9.255.64)%;血栓细胞占(38.2321.86)%;淋巴细胞最多, 达(52.5221.65)%.


    Abstract: Blood cells play important roles in the immune activities and circulating system of fish, the development of blood cells in liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney and the composition of blood cells in peripheral blood of Trachinotus ovatus were studied. Trachinotus ovatus (25.9) 28.0 cm BL, weight 420.5) 525.2g) were anatomized after one week rearing in lab, the liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney were obtained and gently smeared on glass slides, the glasses were stained with Wright. s-Giemsa dye and the blood cells in different development stages were observed by light microscope.The percentages of primitive erythrocytes in total blood cells counted of liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney were 0.05%, 3.84%, 0.89% and 0.95%, respectively. The percentages of primitive and immature lymphocytes in total blood cells counted of liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney were 0.15%, 2.85%, 2.72% and 3.21%, respectively. The percentages of primitive and immature granulocytes in total blood cells counted of liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney were 0.24%, 2.16%, 4.94% and 3.19%, respectively. The percentages of primitive and immature monocytes in total blood cells counted of liver, spleen, pronephros and kidney were 0.18%, 0.06%, 0.17% and 0.03%, respectively. The q-test results showed that erythrocytes developed mainly in spleen; lymphocytes developed mainly in kidney, pronephros and spleen; granulocytes developed mainly in pronephros; monocytes developed in liver, pronephros; spleen and kidney. The development and morphological changes of thrombocytes could not be distinctly distinguished in the smears of four tissues.The cell constitution in peripheral blood of Trachinotus ovatus were studied by smear and light microscope observation. On the Wright. s-Giemsa dye stained smears of peripheral blood, erythrocyte and four kinds of leucocyte: lymphocyte, thrombocyte,neutrophil and monocyte were recognized. Monocytes were the least leucocytes, less than 1% of total leucocytes. The percentages of lymphocytes, thrombocytes, and neutrophils in total leucocytes were (52.521.65)%, (38.231.86) %, (9.255.64) %, respectively.


