Tung-Ts'ien-Hu,a lake covering an area about 34,000 Mou,is located at the southeastern portion of Ning-Po,Chchiang Province.The present article deals with the Cladoceran Fauna of this particular lake,basing upon the materials collected during September,1954,and November,1955.Al- together 34 species,belonging to 20 genera and 5 families have been described. Among them,the occurrence of Streblocerus pygmaeus Sars,Alonella globulosa Daday,Rhynchotalona falcata Sars,Dadaya macrops(Daday),Chydorus globosus Baird,Chydorus faviformis Birge and Chydorus latus Sars in China has,so far,not been previously recorded.