
Study on freshwater genus Peridiniopsis (Dinophyta) from China

  • 摘要: 拟多甲藻属Peridiniopsis Lemmermann是重要的淡水有壳甲藻, 是形成淡水甲藻水华的主要类群之一。该属被定义为不具或仅有一块前间插板的多甲藻类群, 其板片格式为3-5, 0-1a, 6-7 (8), 5, 2。迄今, 全球范围内报道的拟多甲藻属约有20种。通过对所采集国内甲藻标本的整理和鉴定, 描述了8种及1变种, 并对其形态特征、板片排列、生境和分布进行了简述。其中有3个是中国新纪录, 它们是柏林拟多甲藻P. berolinensis (Lemmermann) Bourrelly、波吉拟多甲藻P. borgei Lemmermann和柯维拟多甲藻P. kevei Grigorszky et Vasas。


    Abstract: Peridiniopsis Lemmermann is not only an important genus of freshwater thecate dinoflagellates, but also a freshwater group of bloom-forming dinoflagellates. This genus is defined as peridinioids either lacking or having only one anterior intercalary plate. This includes species with plate formulas: 3-5', 0-1a, 6-7 (8)'', 5''', 2''''. So far, there are about 20 species of Peridiniopsis. However, the study on Peridiniopsis from China is relative weakness. Dinoflagellate samples were obtained from diverse habitats in the investigated areas as lakes, rivers, ponds, pools and temporary waters. The fixed cells were stained with 0.1% Fluorescent Brightener 28 and observed for epifluorescence microscopy (EFM), and also observed for differential interference contrast (DIC) and phase contrast (PC) microscopy using a Leica DM5000B microscope and Leica DFC 320 digital camera. According to the study of specimens from China, 8 species and 1 variety had been described. They were Peridiniopsis berolinensis (Lemmermann) Bourrelly, P. borgei Lemmermann, P. cunningtonii Lemmermann, P. elpatiewskyi (Ostenfeld) Bourrelly, P. kevei Grigorszky et Vasas, P. niei G.X. Liu et Z.Y. Hu, P. penardiforme (Lindemann) Bourrelly, P. penardii (Lemmermann) Bourrelly, P. penardii (Lemmermann) Bourrelly var. robusta Q. Zhang, G.X. Liu et Z.Y. Hu. The morphological features, plate pattern, habitat and distribution of each species were given. Among them, 3 species were first reported from China. They were P. berolinensis, P. borgei and P. kevei. The type specimens of P. niei and P. penardii (Lemmermann) Bourrelly var. robusta originated from China. They were published in foreign journals, and therefore were described in Chinese for domestic researchers. The definition of this genus seemed to be an oversimplification. Although the genus had been divided into several new genera in recent years, a major rearrangement at the genus level should be necessary in the future because of relatively high diversity in plate tabulation and polyphyletic taxa.


