Graphical Abstract
In order to prove the data as baseline for Schizothoracin fish cultivation practice,wild fish protect and diseaseiagnosis,hematological indices of wild and cultured Schizothorax prenanti and Schizothorax davidi were investigated in this study. From 5 th to 14 th July,-007,wild S. prenanti and S1 davidiwere collected in Ya’an section ofQingyi River,arti-icial incubation and reared S. prenanti and S1 davidi were collected in Lake Baizhang1 Red blood cell count (RBC),hite blood cell count (WBC),differential leucocytes counts (DLC),the normal size (long diameter and short diameter)f the blood cells,and the content of hemoglobin (HB),total protein (TP),triglyceride (TG),glucose (GLU),totalholesterol (TC),total cholesterol (T-CHO) and calcium (Ca2+ ) were measured by Olympus BX51 (electrolyte analy-ing apparatus),CA6-0 (automated hematology analyzer) and Toshiba 70-0 (automatic biochemical analyzing appara-us) 1 The results indicated that there were significant differences in long diameter and short diameter of RBC,RBC nu-leu,neutrophil,lymphocyte and the content of TP and TG between wild S. prenanti and wild S1 davidi1 The long andhort diameter of neutrophil,lymphocyte,and long diameter of lymphocyte nucleu in wild S. prenantiwere significant lon-er than that in culture S. prenanti1 The short diameter of RBC of S1 davidiwas significant shorter than that of culture S1avidi1 The content of TP,GLU,TG of wild S. prenanti were significant lower than that of culture S. prenanti1 Thereere significant differences in content of TG,T-CHO between wild and culture S1 davidi1 The result demonstrated thathere was difference in physiological adap tation between S1 davidi and S. prenanti,and there were some impacts on theirhysiological state in cultivation activity1