One of the common wetland communities,Com. Cardamine lyrata Bunge,inFutouhu Lake, Hubei was studied in this paper.Sixteen species were found in thecommunity,and their frequency distribution was somewhat different from Raunkiaer'sfrequency law. Cardamine lyrata,Nymphoides peltatum O. Kuntze Alopecurus japonicus Steud,Eleocharis pellucisa Presl and E. yokoscensis Tang et Wang werethe main common species of the community.The vertical structure of the communitywas relatively simple with only two layers in most areas.The distributions of different species in the community exhidited adaptations to the changes in microtopography.All the main common species showed patterns of aggregated distribution. Correlation analyses revealed the joint relationships between some species at differentblock sizes,which were explained by their different growth patterns.