Graphical Abstract
The pathology of vitamin E deficiency in common carp (cyprinus carpio)was studied.Juvenile carp weighing about 60g were fed a purified diet which was supplemented with vitamin E with 0, 25, 50 and 100mg/kg, respectively for 20 weeks.The morbidity and mortality were respectively 47.5%, 22.5%, 10.0%, 0 and 22.5%, 12.5%, 5.0%, 0.The fish fed vitamin E deficient diet occurred “thin back disease”, lordosis and exudative diathesis with exophthalmus, scale erection and ascites.Gross changes showed skeletal muscular dystrophy, especially in both sides of the back.The red muscle in body sides became white muscle ;the liver was swollen with yellow color or blue color in last stage ;the heartwas enlargement with hemorrhage in epicardium ;the kidney was swollen with hyperemia and hemorrhage ;the sexual gland with dysplasia showed that the weight and volume were decreased.Histopathologically, the changes showed nutritional muscular dystrophy, hepatosis dietetica, gonadal dysplasia, degeneration and necrosis of pancreas.The skeletal muscles showed degeneration and necrosis, dystrophy of survival muscle fibers ;the cardiacmuscles showed degeneration and hemorrhage ;the liver showed degeneration, necrosis and many yellow or brown-yellow ceroidlike dense bodies in liver cells;the pancreas showed degeneration and necrosis ;the kidney showed enlargment of glomerulus, degeneration in renal tubular epithelial cells ;the spermary showed the quantities reduce of spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte and spermatid ;the ovary showed the quantities decreased of follicle.Ultrastructurally, the mitochondria of the cardiacmuscle cells, the liver cells and renal tubular epithelial cells showed swollen with disintegration and lysis of caritas ;the rough endoplasmic reticulum were enlargment with desquamation of ribosome ;the karyotheca of skeletal muscle cells appeared broadening and the nuclears showed distortion with reduced electron density.