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Wei P.The research progresses on the regulation of pituitary and extrapituitary POMC gene expression [J].Foreign Medical Sciences: Section of Endocrinology,2001,21(1):39-41[魏平.垂体内外POMC基因表达调控研究进展[J].国外医学内分泌学分册,2001,21(1):39-41][2] Arends R J, Vermeer H, Martens G J, et al. Cloning and expression of two proopiomelanocortin mRNAs in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)[J].Mol Cell Endocrinol, 1998,143:23-31[3] Pritchard L E, Turnbull A V, White A. Pro-opiomelanocortin processing in the hypothalamus: impact on melanocortin signaling and obesity [J].J Endocrinol,2002,172:411-421[4] Alrubaian J, Danielson P, Fitzpatrick M, et al. Cloning of a second proopiomelanocortin cDNA from the pituitary of the sturgeon,Acipenser transmontanus[J].Peptides,1999,20:431:-436[5] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Suzuki N, et al. A newly characterized melanotropin in proopiomelanocortin in pituitaries of an elasmobranch, squalus acanthias[J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,1999,114:387-395[6] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Suzuki N, et al. Molecular cloning of proopiomelanocortin cDNA from an elasmobranch, the stingray,Dasyatis akajei[J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,2000,118:105-112[7] Douglass J, Civelli O, Herbert E. Polyprotein gene expression:generation of diversity of neuroendocrine peptides [J].Ann Rev Biochem,1984,53:665-715[8] Hilario E, Lihrmann I, Vaudry H. Characterization of cDNA encoding proopiomelanocortin in the frog Rana ridibunda[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1990,173:653-659[9] Martens G J M. Expression of two proopiomelanocortin genes in the pituitary of Xenopus laevis: complete structure of the two preprohormone [J].Nucl Acids Res,1986,14:3791-3798[10] Pan F, Cheng W C. Nucleotide sequence of bullfrog proopiomelanocortin cDNA[J].Nucl Acids Res,1989,17:5843[11] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Dores R M, et al. Sturgeon proopiomelanocortin has a remnant of γ-elanotropin[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1997,230:452-456[12] Dores R M, Smith T R,Marra L E, et al. Deciphering post-tractional processing events in the pituitary of a neopterygian fish: cloning of a gar proopiomelanocortin cDNA [J]. Gen Comp Endocrinol,1997,107:401-413[13] Kitahara N, Nishizawa T, Iida K, et al. Absence of a γ-melanocyte-stimulating hormone sequence in proopiomelancortin mRNA of chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1988,91B:365-370[14] Okuta A. Ando H, Ueda H, et al. Two types of cDNA encoding proopiomelanocortin of sockeye salmon,Oncorhynchus nerka[J].Zool Sci,1996,13:421-427[15] Salbert G, Chauveau I, Bonnec G, et al. One of the two trout proopiomelanocortin messenger RNAs potentially encodes new peptides [J].Mol Endocrinol,1992,6:1605-1612[16] Heining J A, Keeley F W, Robson P, et al. The appearance of proopiomelanocortin early in vertebrate evolution: cloning and sequencing of POMC from a lamprey pituitary cDNA library [J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,1995,99:137-144[17] Takahashi A, Amemiya Y,Sarashi M, et al. Melanoctropin and corticotropin are encoded on two distinct genes in the lamprey, the earliest evolved extant vertebrate [J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1995,231:490-496[18] Takahashi A, Amemiya Y, Nozaki M, et al. Evolutionary significance of proopiomelanocortin in agnatha and chondrichthyes [J].Comp Biochem Physiol,2001,129B:283-289
Wei P.The research progresses on the regulation of pituitary and extrapituitary POMC gene expression [J].Foreign Medical Sciences: Section of Endocrinology,2001,21(1):39-41[魏平.垂体内外POMC基因表达调控研究进展[J].国外医学内分泌学分册,2001,21(1):39-41][2] Arends R J, Vermeer H, Martens G J, et al. Cloning and expression of two proopiomelanocortin mRNAs in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)[J].Mol Cell Endocrinol, 1998,143:23-31[3] Pritchard L E, Turnbull A V, White A. Pro-opiomelanocortin processing in the hypothalamus: impact on melanocortin signaling and obesity [J].J Endocrinol,2002,172:411-421[4] Alrubaian J, Danielson P, Fitzpatrick M, et al. Cloning of a second proopiomelanocortin cDNA from the pituitary of the sturgeon,Acipenser transmontanus[J].Peptides,1999,20:431:-436[5] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Suzuki N, et al. A newly characterized melanotropin in proopiomelanocortin in pituitaries of an elasmobranch, squalus acanthias[J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,1999,114:387-395[6] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Suzuki N, et al. Molecular cloning of proopiomelanocortin cDNA from an elasmobranch, the stingray,Dasyatis akajei[J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,2000,118:105-112[7] Douglass J, Civelli O, Herbert E. Polyprotein gene expression:generation of diversity of neuroendocrine peptides [J].Ann Rev Biochem,1984,53:665-715[8] Hilario E, Lihrmann I, Vaudry H. Characterization of cDNA encoding proopiomelanocortin in the frog Rana ridibunda[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1990,173:653-659[9] Martens G J M. Expression of two proopiomelanocortin genes in the pituitary of Xenopus laevis: complete structure of the two preprohormone [J].Nucl Acids Res,1986,14:3791-3798[10] Pan F, Cheng W C. Nucleotide sequence of bullfrog proopiomelanocortin cDNA[J].Nucl Acids Res,1989,17:5843[11] Amemiya Y, Takahashi A, Dores R M, et al. Sturgeon proopiomelanocortin has a remnant of γ-elanotropin[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1997,230:452-456[12] Dores R M, Smith T R,Marra L E, et al. Deciphering post-tractional processing events in the pituitary of a neopterygian fish: cloning of a gar proopiomelanocortin cDNA [J]. Gen Comp Endocrinol,1997,107:401-413[13] Kitahara N, Nishizawa T, Iida K, et al. Absence of a γ-melanocyte-stimulating hormone sequence in proopiomelancortin mRNA of chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta[J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1988,91B:365-370[14] Okuta A. Ando H, Ueda H, et al. Two types of cDNA encoding proopiomelanocortin of sockeye salmon,Oncorhynchus nerka[J].Zool Sci,1996,13:421-427[15] Salbert G, Chauveau I, Bonnec G, et al. One of the two trout proopiomelanocortin messenger RNAs potentially encodes new peptides [J].Mol Endocrinol,1992,6:1605-1612[16] Heining J A, Keeley F W, Robson P, et al. The appearance of proopiomelanocortin early in vertebrate evolution: cloning and sequencing of POMC from a lamprey pituitary cDNA library [J].Gen Comp Endocrinol,1995,99:137-144[17] Takahashi A, Amemiya Y,Sarashi M, et al. Melanoctropin and corticotropin are encoded on two distinct genes in the lamprey, the earliest evolved extant vertebrate [J].Biochem Biophys Res Comm,1995,231:490-496[18] Takahashi A, Amemiya Y, Nozaki M, et al. Evolutionary significance of proopiomelanocortin in agnatha and chondrichthyes [J].Comp Biochem Physiol,2001,129B:283-289