Graphical Abstract
The rare minnow(Gobiocypris rarus)eggs were activated by UV irradiated heterogeneous sperms that were gathered from the red common carp(Cyprinus carpio, red var.), and heat shocking was performed to inhibit the second polar body extrusion and the first cleavage, respectively. Viable individuals derived from polar body gynogenesis and mitotic gynogenesis were available by such processing. The optimum parameters were screened as heat shocking for 2 min at 40℃,2 min post fertilizing, for polar body gynogenesis, and 2 min at 40℃,17 min post fertilizing, by an orthonor-mal programming. The morphological characteristics of red common carp were not detected. RAPD analysis confirmed that all the amplified fragments were derived from the mother for every gynogenet-ic individuals, while no evidences supported the occurrences that heterogeneous DNA elements from their father, the red common carp, had penetrated into the descendant genome. In addition, it had been revealed in this study that the normal distant hybridization, Gobiocypris rarus♀ ×Cyprinus carpio ♂, could produce viable rare minnow individuals in an extremely lower occurrence, which might be produced by natural gynogenesis.