Graphical Abstract
The study was conducted to investigate the total pigment and pigment components of different breeds of color carp byspectrophotometer and thin-layer chromatography.The results showed that spectrum of total pigment of Red Color Carp and Blackcolor Carp and Black Spot Red color Carp had two same absorption peaks in visible lregion (470nm and 448nm).The spectrumof total pigment of Black Spot Yellow color Carp and Black -Blue-Red Spot color Carp had two similar absorption peaks in visibleregion (445nm and 472nm). The pigment components of different breeds of brocaded carp were mainly apricot or orange pigment.The black spots of color carp may be formed when melanin covered other pigment, other color spots may be formed when thepigment components of all kinds weremixed in proper proportions.The more the relation of color carp is close, the more thetotalpigment component is similar.Red color Carp and Black color Carp had same pigment components of six kinds,therewere similarRf values of four same color pigment components for Black Spot Red color Carp as compared with both of the former and therewere different Rf values of two same color pigment components for the latter in comparison with both of the former. Black Spot Yellow color Carp and Black -Blue -Red Spot color Carp had three and four pigment components respectively, and the difference oftheir Rf values was notable. As above, Red color Carp and Black color Carp and Black Spot Red color Carp probably are closerelatives, and the former and Black Spot Yellow color Carp of Black -Blue-Red Spot color Carp probably are distant relatives.Thisstudy will help the research and development of color carp color -adding diet and further enhancement of brocaded carp ornamentalvalue and market value.