[1] |
Zhang Y B.Yu X M.Progresses in studies in fish interferon[J].J Fish Sci China,2000,7(3):97-101.[张义兵,俞小牧.鱼类IFN的研究进展.中国水产科学,2000,7(3):97-101][2] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Studies on interferon-inducible Mx protein on fish[J].Virologica Sinica,2000,16(4):291-298.[张义兵,桂建芳.IFN诱导的鱼类Mx蛋白.中国病毒学,2001,16(4):291-298][3] Stark G R,Kerr I M,Williams B R,et al.How cells respond to interferons[J].Ann Biochem.1998,67:227-264[4] Sen G C.Viruses and interferons[J].Annu Rev Microbiol,2001,55:255-281[5] Samuel C E.Antiviral action of interferons[J].Clin Microbiol Rev,2001,14:778-809[6] Zhang Y B.Cloning,identification and characterization of crucian carp interferon system genes in crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.)[D].Ph.D.thesis of the Chinese academy of sciences,2003.[张义兵.鲫鱼干扰素系统基因的克隆鉴定及其特征分析.中国科学院理学博士学位论文,2003][7] Zhang Y B,Shi Y H,Gui J F.Construction of antiviral subtractivec DNA library of cultured fish cells[J].Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica,2003,27(2):113-118.[张义兵,石耀华,桂建芳.鱼类培养细胞抗病毒基因差减cDNA文库的构建.水生生物学报,2003,27(2):113-118][8] Zhang Y B,Zhang Q Y,Xu D Q,et al.Identification of antiviral-relevant genes in the cultured fish cells induced by inactivated virus[J].Chin Sci Bull,2003,48(6):581-588.[张义兵,张奇亚,徐德全,等.从灭活病毒诱导的培养细胞中鉴定鱼类抗病毒相关基因.科学通报,2003,48(5):457-463][9] Zhang Y B,Hu C Y, Zhang J,et al.Molecular cloning and characterization of crucian carp(Carassius auratus L.)interferon regulator factor 7[J].Fish Shellfish Immunol,2003,15:453-466[10] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Molecular characterization and IFN signal pathway analysis of Carassius auratus CaSTAT1 identified from the cultured cells in response to virus infection[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2004,28:211-227[11] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Identification and expression analysis of two IFN-inducible genes in crucian carp(Carassius auratus L.)[J].Gene,2004,325:43-51[12] Gravell M,Marlsbenger R G.A permanent cell line from the fathead minnow(Pimephales promelas)[J].Ann NY Academy Sci,1965,126:555-565[13] Jiang Y L,Li Z Q.Studies on interferon-like substance produced in virus-infected grass carp cell lines[J].Chin J Virol,1991,7(1):30-35.[江育林,李正秋.病毒感染的草鱼细胞产生类干扰素物质的研究.病毒学报,1991,7(1):30-35][14] Shao J Z,Xiang L X,Li Y L,et al.Studies on an anti-hemorrhagic virus protein isolated from culture cell of grass carp[J].Chin J Virol,1993,9(4):352-362.[邵建忠,项黎新,李亚南.从草鱼细胞分离到一种抗出血病病毒蛋白因子的研究.病毒学报,1993,9(4):352-362][15] Shao J Z,Xiang L X.In vitro induction of interferon on gammar from Ctenopharynogodon idelluss leucocytes by phytoagglutinin[J].Oceanologia et Limnologiasinica,2001,32:117-124.[邵健忠,项黎新.PHA体外诱导草鱼白细胞产生γ干扰素的研究.海洋与湖沼,2001,32:117-124][16] Shao J Z,Xiang L X.Immunomodulation function of grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)interferon[J].Acata Zoologica Sinica,2001,47(4):404-411.[邵健忠,项黎新.草鱼干扰素的免疫调节功能.动物学报,2001,47(4):404-411][17] Hansen J D and Patra S L.Induction of the rainbow trout MHC class I pathway during acute IHNV infection[J].Immunogenetics,2002,54:654-661[18] Altmann S M,Mellon M T,Distel D L,et al.Molecular and functional analysis of an interferon gene from the zebrafish,Danio rerio[J].J Virol,2003,77:1992-2002[19] Wilson V,J effreys A J,Barrie P.A comparison of vertebrate interferon gene families detected by hybridization with human interferon DNA[J].J Mol Biol,1983,166:457-475[20] Staeheli P Yu Y-S,Grob R,et al.A double-stranded RNA-inducible fish gene homologous to the murine influenza virus resistance gene Mx[J].Mol Cell Biol,1989,9:3117-3121[21] Yap W H,Tay A,Brenner S,Venkatesh B.Molecular cloning of the pufferfish(Takifugu rubripes)Mx gene and functional characterization of its promoter[J].Immunogenetics,2003,53:705-713[22] Liu L,Fujiki K,Dixon B,et al.Cloning of a novel rainbow trout(On-corhynchus mykiss)CC chemokine with a fractalkine-like stalk and a TNT decoy receptor using cDNA fragments containing AU-rich elements[J].Cytokine,2002,17(2):71-81[23] Shimizu N,Aoki T Hirono I,Takashima F.Aquatic genomics:steps toward a great future[M].Tokyo:Springer-verlag,2002[24] Alonso M.Leong J A.Suppressive subtraction libraries to identify interferon-inducible genes in fish[J].Mar Biotechnol,2002,4(1):74-80[25] Liu M.Reimschuessel R,Hassel B A.Molecular cloning of the fish interferon stimulated gene,15 kDa(ISG15)orthologue:a ubiquitin-like gene induced by nephrotoxic damage[J].Gene,2002,298:129-139[26] O' Farrell C,Vaghefi N,Cantonnet M,et al.Survey of transcript expression in Rainbow trout leukocytes reveals a major contribution of IFN-responsive genes in the early response to a Rhabdovirus infection[J].J Virol,2002,76:8040-8049[27] Wang T H,Zhang Y B,Li G Q,et al.Interferon induction in cultured fish cells[J].Chin J Virol,1999;15(1):43-49.[王铁辉,张义兵,李戈强,等.鱼类培养细胞IFN的诱导.病毒学报,1999,15(1):43-49][28] Zhang Y B,Wang T H,Li G Q,et al.Induction and partial characterization of CAB cell(Blastulae Embryonic Cell Line of Crucian Carp)interferon[J].Virologica Sinica,2000,15(2):163-169.[张义兵,王铁辉,李戈强,等.鲫鱼囊胚细胞干扰素的诱导及部分特性的研究.中国病毒学,2000,15(2):163-169][29] Zhang Y B, Wang T H.Studies on the sensitivity of several fish cell ines to various interferons[J].Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology,2000,(3):1-5.[张义兵,王铁辉.几种鱼类培养细胞对不同干扰素敏感性的研究.海洋湖沼通报,2000,(3):1-5][30] Chin K-C, Cresswell P.Viperin(cig5),an IFN-inducible antiviral protein directly induced by human cytomegalovirus[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2001,98(26):15125-15130[31] Espert L,Degols G,Gongora C,et al.ISG20,a new interferon-induced RNase specific for single-stranded RNA, defines an alternative antiviral pathway against RNA Genomic Viruses[J].J Biol Chem,2003,278:16151-16158[32] Tamai T,Shirahata S,Noguchi T,et al,Cloning and expression of flatfish(Paralichthys olivaceus)interferon cDNA[J].Biochim Biophys Acta,1993,1174(2):182-186[33] Magor BG and Magor KE.Evolution of effectors and receptors of innate immunity[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2001,25:651-682[34] Long S,Wilson M,Bengten E,et al.Identification of a cDNA encoding channel catfish interferon[J].Dev Conmp Immunol,2004,28:97-111[35] Leu J H,Yah S J,Lee T F,Chou C M,et al.Complete genomic organization and promoter analysis of the round-Spotted pufferfish JAK1,JAK2,JAK3,and TYK2 genes[J].DNA Cell Biol,2000,19:431-446[36] Oates A C,Wollberg P,Partt S J,et al.Zebrafish stat3 is expressed in restricted tissues during embryogenesis and stat1 rescues cytokine signaling in a STAT1-deficient human cell line[J].Dev Dynam,1999,215:352-370[37] Sung S C,Fan T J,Chou C M,et al.Genomic structure,expression and characterization of a STAT5 homologue from pufferfish(Tetraodon fluviatilis)[J].Eur J Biochem,2003,270:239-252[38] Yap W H,Tay A,Brenner S,Venkatesh B.Molecular cloning of the pufferfish(Takifugu rubripes)Mx gene and functional characterization of its promoter.Immunogenetics,2003,53:705-713[39] Schindler C,Fu X Y,Improta T,et al.Proteins of transcription factor ISGF-3:one gene encodes the 91-and 84-kDa ISGF-3 proteins that are activated by interferon α[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,1992,89:7836-7839[40] Yabu T,Hirose H,Hirono I.et al.Molecular cloning of a novel interferon regulatory factor in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus[J].Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol,1998,7:138-144[41] Richardson M P,Tay B H,Goh B Y,et al.Molecular cloning and genomic structure of an interferon regulatory factor encoding gene in the pufferfish(Fugu rubripes)[J].Mar Biotechnol,2001,3:145-151[42] Collet B,Hovens G C J,Mazzoni D,et al.Cloning and expression analysis of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss interferon regulatory factor 1 and 2(IRF-1 and IRF-2)[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2003,27:111-126[43] Barnes B,Lurbyova B,Pitha P M.On the role of IRF in host defense[J].J Interferon Cytokine Res,2002,22:59-71[44] Slavov D,Crnogorac-Jurevic ′ T Clark M,et al.Comparative analysis of the DRADA A-to-I RNA editing gene from mammals,pufferfish and zebrafish[J]Gene,2000,250:53-60[45] Chen L X,Zhang X W,Xiao Y Y,et al.Expression of Hu-IFN-α Gene in Transgenic Grass Carp[J].Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences),2001,27(3):177-178.[陈立祥,张学文,肖调义,等.人α-干扰素基因在转基因草鱼中的表达.湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版),2001,27(3):177-178][46] Jia F J,Wang T H,Zhang Y B,et al.Preliminary study on prevention and treatment to grass carp hemorrhagia with interferon[J].Fisheries Sciences,2000,19(4):1-4[贾方钧,王铁辉,张义兵,等.干扰素防治草鱼出血病的效果初探.水产科学,2000,19(4):1-4][47] Fu S H,chen T,Wang D G,et al.The study of human IFN α inducing fish kidney cells resistance to hemorrhagic virus of grass carp[J].Acata Hydrobiologica Sinica,1999,23(1):290-292.[符少辉,陈韬,汪冬庚,等.人IFN-α诱导草鱼肾细胞对草鱼出血病毒抗性作用的研究[J].水生生物学报,1999,23(1):290-292][48] Iwakura Y,Asano M,Kawade Y.Male transgenic mice carrying extra interferon gene are unable to transmit the exogenous gene to their offspring.J Interferon Res,1987,7:703[49] Chen, X Z ,Yun J S,Wagner TE.Enhanced viral resistance in transgenic mice expressing the human beta 1 interferon[J].J Virol,1988,62:3883-3887[50] Haller O,Frese M,Kochs G.Mx proteins:mediators of innate resistance to RNA viruses[J].Rev Sci Technol Off Int Epizootol,1998,17:220-230[51] Wieland S F,Vega R G,Müller V R,et al.Searching for interferon-induced genes that inhibit hepatitis B virus replication in transgenic mouse hepatocytes[J].J Virol,2003,77:1227-1236
Zhang Y B.Yu X M.Progresses in studies in fish interferon[J].J Fish Sci China,2000,7(3):97-101.[张义兵,俞小牧.鱼类IFN的研究进展.中国水产科学,2000,7(3):97-101][2] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Studies on interferon-inducible Mx protein on fish[J].Virologica Sinica,2000,16(4):291-298.[张义兵,桂建芳.IFN诱导的鱼类Mx蛋白.中国病毒学,2001,16(4):291-298][3] Stark G R,Kerr I M,Williams B R,et al.How cells respond to interferons[J].Ann Biochem.1998,67:227-264[4] Sen G C.Viruses and interferons[J].Annu Rev Microbiol,2001,55:255-281[5] Samuel C E.Antiviral action of interferons[J].Clin Microbiol Rev,2001,14:778-809[6] Zhang Y B.Cloning,identification and characterization of crucian carp interferon system genes in crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.)[D].Ph.D.thesis of the Chinese academy of sciences,2003.[张义兵.鲫鱼干扰素系统基因的克隆鉴定及其特征分析.中国科学院理学博士学位论文,2003][7] Zhang Y B,Shi Y H,Gui J F.Construction of antiviral subtractivec DNA library of cultured fish cells[J].Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica,2003,27(2):113-118.[张义兵,石耀华,桂建芳.鱼类培养细胞抗病毒基因差减cDNA文库的构建.水生生物学报,2003,27(2):113-118][8] Zhang Y B,Zhang Q Y,Xu D Q,et al.Identification of antiviral-relevant genes in the cultured fish cells induced by inactivated virus[J].Chin Sci Bull,2003,48(6):581-588.[张义兵,张奇亚,徐德全,等.从灭活病毒诱导的培养细胞中鉴定鱼类抗病毒相关基因.科学通报,2003,48(5):457-463][9] Zhang Y B,Hu C Y, Zhang J,et al.Molecular cloning and characterization of crucian carp(Carassius auratus L.)interferon regulator factor 7[J].Fish Shellfish Immunol,2003,15:453-466[10] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Molecular characterization and IFN signal pathway analysis of Carassius auratus CaSTAT1 identified from the cultured cells in response to virus infection[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2004,28:211-227[11] Zhang Y B,Gui J F.Identification and expression analysis of two IFN-inducible genes in crucian carp(Carassius auratus L.)[J].Gene,2004,325:43-51[12] Gravell M,Marlsbenger R G.A permanent cell line from the fathead minnow(Pimephales promelas)[J].Ann NY Academy Sci,1965,126:555-565[13] Jiang Y L,Li Z Q.Studies on interferon-like substance produced in virus-infected grass carp cell lines[J].Chin J Virol,1991,7(1):30-35.[江育林,李正秋.病毒感染的草鱼细胞产生类干扰素物质的研究.病毒学报,1991,7(1):30-35][14] Shao J Z,Xiang L X,Li Y L,et al.Studies on an anti-hemorrhagic virus protein isolated from culture cell of grass carp[J].Chin J Virol,1993,9(4):352-362.[邵建忠,项黎新,李亚南.从草鱼细胞分离到一种抗出血病病毒蛋白因子的研究.病毒学报,1993,9(4):352-362][15] Shao J Z,Xiang L X.In vitro induction of interferon on gammar from Ctenopharynogodon idelluss leucocytes by phytoagglutinin[J].Oceanologia et Limnologiasinica,2001,32:117-124.[邵健忠,项黎新.PHA体外诱导草鱼白细胞产生γ干扰素的研究.海洋与湖沼,2001,32:117-124][16] Shao J Z,Xiang L X.Immunomodulation function of grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)interferon[J].Acata Zoologica Sinica,2001,47(4):404-411.[邵健忠,项黎新.草鱼干扰素的免疫调节功能.动物学报,2001,47(4):404-411][17] Hansen J D and Patra S L.Induction of the rainbow trout MHC class I pathway during acute IHNV infection[J].Immunogenetics,2002,54:654-661[18] Altmann S M,Mellon M T,Distel D L,et al.Molecular and functional analysis of an interferon gene from the zebrafish,Danio rerio[J].J Virol,2003,77:1992-2002[19] Wilson V,J effreys A J,Barrie P.A comparison of vertebrate interferon gene families detected by hybridization with human interferon DNA[J].J Mol Biol,1983,166:457-475[20] Staeheli P Yu Y-S,Grob R,et al.A double-stranded RNA-inducible fish gene homologous to the murine influenza virus resistance gene Mx[J].Mol Cell Biol,1989,9:3117-3121[21] Yap W H,Tay A,Brenner S,Venkatesh B.Molecular cloning of the pufferfish(Takifugu rubripes)Mx gene and functional characterization of its promoter[J].Immunogenetics,2003,53:705-713[22] Liu L,Fujiki K,Dixon B,et al.Cloning of a novel rainbow trout(On-corhynchus mykiss)CC chemokine with a fractalkine-like stalk and a TNT decoy receptor using cDNA fragments containing AU-rich elements[J].Cytokine,2002,17(2):71-81[23] Shimizu N,Aoki T Hirono I,Takashima F.Aquatic genomics:steps toward a great future[M].Tokyo:Springer-verlag,2002[24] Alonso M.Leong J A.Suppressive subtraction libraries to identify interferon-inducible genes in fish[J].Mar Biotechnol,2002,4(1):74-80[25] Liu M.Reimschuessel R,Hassel B A.Molecular cloning of the fish interferon stimulated gene,15 kDa(ISG15)orthologue:a ubiquitin-like gene induced by nephrotoxic damage[J].Gene,2002,298:129-139[26] O' Farrell C,Vaghefi N,Cantonnet M,et al.Survey of transcript expression in Rainbow trout leukocytes reveals a major contribution of IFN-responsive genes in the early response to a Rhabdovirus infection[J].J Virol,2002,76:8040-8049[27] Wang T H,Zhang Y B,Li G Q,et al.Interferon induction in cultured fish cells[J].Chin J Virol,1999;15(1):43-49.[王铁辉,张义兵,李戈强,等.鱼类培养细胞IFN的诱导.病毒学报,1999,15(1):43-49][28] Zhang Y B,Wang T H,Li G Q,et al.Induction and partial characterization of CAB cell(Blastulae Embryonic Cell Line of Crucian Carp)interferon[J].Virologica Sinica,2000,15(2):163-169.[张义兵,王铁辉,李戈强,等.鲫鱼囊胚细胞干扰素的诱导及部分特性的研究.中国病毒学,2000,15(2):163-169][29] Zhang Y B, Wang T H.Studies on the sensitivity of several fish cell ines to various interferons[J].Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology,2000,(3):1-5.[张义兵,王铁辉.几种鱼类培养细胞对不同干扰素敏感性的研究.海洋湖沼通报,2000,(3):1-5][30] Chin K-C, Cresswell P.Viperin(cig5),an IFN-inducible antiviral protein directly induced by human cytomegalovirus[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2001,98(26):15125-15130[31] Espert L,Degols G,Gongora C,et al.ISG20,a new interferon-induced RNase specific for single-stranded RNA, defines an alternative antiviral pathway against RNA Genomic Viruses[J].J Biol Chem,2003,278:16151-16158[32] Tamai T,Shirahata S,Noguchi T,et al,Cloning and expression of flatfish(Paralichthys olivaceus)interferon cDNA[J].Biochim Biophys Acta,1993,1174(2):182-186[33] Magor BG and Magor KE.Evolution of effectors and receptors of innate immunity[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2001,25:651-682[34] Long S,Wilson M,Bengten E,et al.Identification of a cDNA encoding channel catfish interferon[J].Dev Conmp Immunol,2004,28:97-111[35] Leu J H,Yah S J,Lee T F,Chou C M,et al.Complete genomic organization and promoter analysis of the round-Spotted pufferfish JAK1,JAK2,JAK3,and TYK2 genes[J].DNA Cell Biol,2000,19:431-446[36] Oates A C,Wollberg P,Partt S J,et al.Zebrafish stat3 is expressed in restricted tissues during embryogenesis and stat1 rescues cytokine signaling in a STAT1-deficient human cell line[J].Dev Dynam,1999,215:352-370[37] Sung S C,Fan T J,Chou C M,et al.Genomic structure,expression and characterization of a STAT5 homologue from pufferfish(Tetraodon fluviatilis)[J].Eur J Biochem,2003,270:239-252[38] Yap W H,Tay A,Brenner S,Venkatesh B.Molecular cloning of the pufferfish(Takifugu rubripes)Mx gene and functional characterization of its promoter.Immunogenetics,2003,53:705-713[39] Schindler C,Fu X Y,Improta T,et al.Proteins of transcription factor ISGF-3:one gene encodes the 91-and 84-kDa ISGF-3 proteins that are activated by interferon α[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,1992,89:7836-7839[40] Yabu T,Hirose H,Hirono I.et al.Molecular cloning of a novel interferon regulatory factor in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus[J].Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol,1998,7:138-144[41] Richardson M P,Tay B H,Goh B Y,et al.Molecular cloning and genomic structure of an interferon regulatory factor encoding gene in the pufferfish(Fugu rubripes)[J].Mar Biotechnol,2001,3:145-151[42] Collet B,Hovens G C J,Mazzoni D,et al.Cloning and expression analysis of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss interferon regulatory factor 1 and 2(IRF-1 and IRF-2)[J].Dev Comp Immunol,2003,27:111-126[43] Barnes B,Lurbyova B,Pitha P M.On the role of IRF in host defense[J].J Interferon Cytokine Res,2002,22:59-71[44] Slavov D,Crnogorac-Jurevic ′ T Clark M,et al.Comparative analysis of the DRADA A-to-I RNA editing gene from mammals,pufferfish and zebrafish[J]Gene,2000,250:53-60[45] Chen L X,Zhang X W,Xiao Y Y,et al.Expression of Hu-IFN-α Gene in Transgenic Grass Carp[J].Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences),2001,27(3):177-178.[陈立祥,张学文,肖调义,等.人α-干扰素基因在转基因草鱼中的表达.湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版),2001,27(3):177-178][46] Jia F J,Wang T H,Zhang Y B,et al.Preliminary study on prevention and treatment to grass carp hemorrhagia with interferon[J].Fisheries Sciences,2000,19(4):1-4[贾方钧,王铁辉,张义兵,等.干扰素防治草鱼出血病的效果初探.水产科学,2000,19(4):1-4][47] Fu S H,chen T,Wang D G,et al.The study of human IFN α inducing fish kidney cells resistance to hemorrhagic virus of grass carp[J].Acata Hydrobiologica Sinica,1999,23(1):290-292.[符少辉,陈韬,汪冬庚,等.人IFN-α诱导草鱼肾细胞对草鱼出血病毒抗性作用的研究[J].水生生物学报,1999,23(1):290-292][48] Iwakura Y,Asano M,Kawade Y.Male transgenic mice carrying extra interferon gene are unable to transmit the exogenous gene to their offspring.J Interferon Res,1987,7:703[49] Chen, X Z ,Yun J S,Wagner TE.Enhanced viral resistance in transgenic mice expressing the human beta 1 interferon[J].J Virol,1988,62:3883-3887[50] Haller O,Frese M,Kochs G.Mx proteins:mediators of innate resistance to RNA viruses[J].Rev Sci Technol Off Int Epizootol,1998,17:220-230[51] Wieland S F,Vega R G,Müller V R,et al.Searching for interferon-induced genes that inhibit hepatitis B virus replication in transgenic mouse hepatocytes[J].J Virol,2003,77:1227-1236