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Binkowski F P, Sedmak J J, Jolly S O. An evaluation of Phaffia yeast as a pigment source for salmonids[J]. Aquacult Mag, 1993,19: 54-59[2] Torrissen O J. Pigmentation of salmonids: factors affecting carotenoid deposition in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) [J]. Aquaculture, 1985, 46: 133-142[3] Torrissen O J. Pigmentation of salmonoids: interactions of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin on pigment deposition in rainbow trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1989, 79: 363-374[4] Torrissen O J, Christiansen R. Requirements for carotenoids in fish diets[J]. J Appl Ichthyol, 1995, 11: 225-230[5] Gabaudan J. Dietary astaxanthin improves production yield in shrimp farming[J]. Fish Chimes, 1996, 16: 37-39[6] Scalia S, Isaksen M, Francis G W. Carotenoids of the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L) [J]. J. Fish Biol, 1989,34: 969-970[7] Storebakken T, Foss P, Huse I, et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonids. Ⅲ. Utilization of canthaxanthin from dry and wet diets by Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and sea trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1986,51: 245-255[8] Foss P, Storebakken T, Austreng E, et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonoids. V. Pigmentation of rainbow trout and sea Trout with astaxanthin and astaxanthin dipalmitate in comparison with canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1987, 65: 293-305[9] Christiansen J S, Wallace J C. Deposition of canthaxanthin and muscle lipid in two size groups of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L)[J]. Aquaculture, 1988,69: 69-78[10] Choubert G, Storebkken T. Dose response to astaxanthin and canthaxanthin pigmentation of rainbow trout fed various dietary carotenoid concentrations[J]. Aquaculture, 1989,81: 69-77[11] Storebakken T, Choubert G. Flesh pigmentation of rainbow trout fed astaxanthin or canthaxanthin at different feeding rates in freshwater and saltwater[J]. Aquaculture, 1991, 95: 289-295[12]Scott T M, Rasco B A, Hardy R W. Stability of krill meal, astaxanthin, and canthaxanthin color in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during frozen storage and cooking[J]. J. Aquat Food Prod Technol. 1994, 3: 53-64[13] Christiansen. Growth and survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L fed different dietary levels of astaxanthin. First-feeding fry[J]. Aquacult Nutr, 1995, 1: 189-198[14] Kiessling A, Dosanjh B,Higgs D, et al. Dorsal aorta cannulation: A method to monitor changes in blood levels of astaxanthin in voluntarily feeding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L[J]. Aquacult Nutr, 1995, 1: 43-50[15] Gouveia L, Gomes E, Empis J. Potential use of a microalga (Chlorella vulgaris) in the pigmentation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) muscle[J]. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 1996, 202: 75-79[16] Nickell D C, Bromage N R. The effect of dietary lipid level on variation of flesh pigmentation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [J]. Aquaculture, 1998,161: 237-251[17] Johnson E A. A Pigment source in salmonid feed[J]. Feed Manage, 1989, 40: 18-21[18] Bjerkeng B, Storebakken T, Liaaen-Jensen S. Response to carotenoids by rainbow trout in the sea: resorption and metabolism of dietary astaxanthin and canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1990, 91: 153-162[19] Hatlen B, Aas G H, Jorgensen E H, et al. Pigmentation of 1,2,3 year old Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed two different dietary astaxanthin concentrations[J]. Aquaculture, 1995, 138: 303-312[20] Smith B E, Hardy R W, Torrissen O J. Synthetic astaxanthin deposition in pan-size coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) [J]. Aquaculture, 1992, 104: 105-119[21] Skrede G, Storebakken T. Instumental colour analysis of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon when raw, baked and smoked[J]. Aquaculture, 1986, 53: 279-286[22] Foss P, Storebakken T, Schiedt K,et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonids I. Pigmentation of rainbow trout with the individual optical isomers of astaxanthin in comparison with canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1984, 41: 213-226[23] Metusalach, Synowiecki J, Brown J, et al. Deposition and metabolism of dietary canthaxanthin in different organs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L) [J]. Aquaculture, 1996, 142: 99-106[24] Lee K H, Kang S J, Choi Y J, et al. Utilization of ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) tunic. 2. Optimum level of carotenoid extracts from ascidian tunic for the pigmentation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss[J]. Bull Korean Fish Soc, 1994, 27: 240-246[25] Lee K H, Kang S J, Choi B D, et al. Utilization of ascidian (Halocynthia rotetzi)tunic. 1. Effect of ascidian tunic extracts on pigmentation and growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [J]. Bull Korean Fish Soc, 1994, 27: 232-239[26] Romero L L A, Fragoso C M, Auro de O A, et al. The effect on pigments of cantaxantine and capsantine in the Japanese carp (Carassius auratus)[J]. Veterinaria Mex, 1992, 23: 67-68[27] Gentles A, Haard N F. Pigmentation of rainbow trout with enzyme-treated and spray-dried Phaffia rhodozyma[J]. Prog Fish Cult, 1991, 53: 1-6[28] Nakano T, Tosa M, Takeuchi M. Improvement of biochemical features in fish health by red yeast and synthetic ataxanthin[J]. J. Agric Food Chem, 1995, 43: 1570-1573[29] Johnson E A, Villa T G, Lewis M J. Phaffia rhodozyma as an astaxanthin source in salmonid diets[J]. Aquaculture, 1980, 20: 123-134[30] Boonyaratpalin M, Unprasetr N. Effects of pigments from different sources on colour changes and growth of red Oreochromis niloticus[J]. Aquaculture, 1989, 79: 375-380[31] HE P M, ZHANG Y J, HE W H. Effect of the spirulina feed on the growth and body color of crucian carp[J]. Journal of Fisheries of china,1999,23(2):162-168.[何培民,张饮江,何文辉. 螺旋藻对锦鲤生长和体色的影响[J].水产学报. 1999, 23(2): 162-168][32] Choubert G. Tentative utilization of spirulin algae as a source of carotenoid pigments for rainbow trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1979, 18: 135-143[33] Torrissen O, Tidemann E, Hansen F, et al. Ensiling in acid-A method to stabilize astaxanthin in shrimp processing by-products and improve uptake of this pigment by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) [J]. Aquaculture, 1981, 26: 77-83[34] Choubert G, Luquet P. Utilization of shrimp meal for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Rich) pigmentation. Influence of fat content of the diet[J]. Aquaculture, 1983, 32: 19-26[35] Kamata T, Neamtu G, Tanaka Y, et al. Utilization of Adonis aestivalis as a dietary pigment source for rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri[J]. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1990, 56: 783-788[36] Spinelli J, Mahnken C. Carotenoid deposition in pen-reared salmonids fed diets containing oil extracts of red crab (Pleuroncodes planipes) [J]. Aquaculture, 1978, 13: 213-223[37] Fujita T, Satake M, Hikichi S, et al. Pigmentation of cultured yellowtail with krill oil[J]. Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1983, 49(10): 1595-1600[38] Fujita T, Satake M, Watanabe T, et al. Pigmentation of cultured Red sea bream with astaxanthin diester purified from krill oil[J]. Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1983,49(10): 1855 -1861
Binkowski F P, Sedmak J J, Jolly S O. An evaluation of Phaffia yeast as a pigment source for salmonids[J]. Aquacult Mag, 1993,19: 54-59[2] Torrissen O J. Pigmentation of salmonids: factors affecting carotenoid deposition in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) [J]. Aquaculture, 1985, 46: 133-142[3] Torrissen O J. Pigmentation of salmonoids: interactions of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin on pigment deposition in rainbow trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1989, 79: 363-374[4] Torrissen O J, Christiansen R. Requirements for carotenoids in fish diets[J]. J Appl Ichthyol, 1995, 11: 225-230[5] Gabaudan J. Dietary astaxanthin improves production yield in shrimp farming[J]. Fish Chimes, 1996, 16: 37-39[6] Scalia S, Isaksen M, Francis G W. Carotenoids of the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L) [J]. J. Fish Biol, 1989,34: 969-970[7] Storebakken T, Foss P, Huse I, et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonids. Ⅲ. Utilization of canthaxanthin from dry and wet diets by Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and sea trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1986,51: 245-255[8] Foss P, Storebakken T, Austreng E, et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonoids. V. Pigmentation of rainbow trout and sea Trout with astaxanthin and astaxanthin dipalmitate in comparison with canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1987, 65: 293-305[9] Christiansen J S, Wallace J C. Deposition of canthaxanthin and muscle lipid in two size groups of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L)[J]. Aquaculture, 1988,69: 69-78[10] Choubert G, Storebkken T. Dose response to astaxanthin and canthaxanthin pigmentation of rainbow trout fed various dietary carotenoid concentrations[J]. Aquaculture, 1989,81: 69-77[11] Storebakken T, Choubert G. Flesh pigmentation of rainbow trout fed astaxanthin or canthaxanthin at different feeding rates in freshwater and saltwater[J]. Aquaculture, 1991, 95: 289-295[12]Scott T M, Rasco B A, Hardy R W. Stability of krill meal, astaxanthin, and canthaxanthin color in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during frozen storage and cooking[J]. J. Aquat Food Prod Technol. 1994, 3: 53-64[13] Christiansen. Growth and survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L fed different dietary levels of astaxanthin. First-feeding fry[J]. Aquacult Nutr, 1995, 1: 189-198[14] Kiessling A, Dosanjh B,Higgs D, et al. Dorsal aorta cannulation: A method to monitor changes in blood levels of astaxanthin in voluntarily feeding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L[J]. Aquacult Nutr, 1995, 1: 43-50[15] Gouveia L, Gomes E, Empis J. Potential use of a microalga (Chlorella vulgaris) in the pigmentation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) muscle[J]. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 1996, 202: 75-79[16] Nickell D C, Bromage N R. The effect of dietary lipid level on variation of flesh pigmentation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [J]. Aquaculture, 1998,161: 237-251[17] Johnson E A. A Pigment source in salmonid feed[J]. Feed Manage, 1989, 40: 18-21[18] Bjerkeng B, Storebakken T, Liaaen-Jensen S. Response to carotenoids by rainbow trout in the sea: resorption and metabolism of dietary astaxanthin and canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1990, 91: 153-162[19] Hatlen B, Aas G H, Jorgensen E H, et al. Pigmentation of 1,2,3 year old Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) fed two different dietary astaxanthin concentrations[J]. Aquaculture, 1995, 138: 303-312[20] Smith B E, Hardy R W, Torrissen O J. Synthetic astaxanthin deposition in pan-size coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) [J]. Aquaculture, 1992, 104: 105-119[21] Skrede G, Storebakken T. Instumental colour analysis of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon when raw, baked and smoked[J]. Aquaculture, 1986, 53: 279-286[22] Foss P, Storebakken T, Schiedt K,et al. Carotenoids in diets for salmonids I. Pigmentation of rainbow trout with the individual optical isomers of astaxanthin in comparison with canthaxanthin[J]. Aquaculture, 1984, 41: 213-226[23] Metusalach, Synowiecki J, Brown J, et al. Deposition and metabolism of dietary canthaxanthin in different organs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L) [J]. Aquaculture, 1996, 142: 99-106[24] Lee K H, Kang S J, Choi Y J, et al. Utilization of ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) tunic. 2. Optimum level of carotenoid extracts from ascidian tunic for the pigmentation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss[J]. Bull Korean Fish Soc, 1994, 27: 240-246[25] Lee K H, Kang S J, Choi B D, et al. Utilization of ascidian (Halocynthia rotetzi)tunic. 1. Effect of ascidian tunic extracts on pigmentation and growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [J]. Bull Korean Fish Soc, 1994, 27: 232-239[26] Romero L L A, Fragoso C M, Auro de O A, et al. The effect on pigments of cantaxantine and capsantine in the Japanese carp (Carassius auratus)[J]. Veterinaria Mex, 1992, 23: 67-68[27] Gentles A, Haard N F. Pigmentation of rainbow trout with enzyme-treated and spray-dried Phaffia rhodozyma[J]. Prog Fish Cult, 1991, 53: 1-6[28] Nakano T, Tosa M, Takeuchi M. Improvement of biochemical features in fish health by red yeast and synthetic ataxanthin[J]. J. Agric Food Chem, 1995, 43: 1570-1573[29] Johnson E A, Villa T G, Lewis M J. Phaffia rhodozyma as an astaxanthin source in salmonid diets[J]. Aquaculture, 1980, 20: 123-134[30] Boonyaratpalin M, Unprasetr N. Effects of pigments from different sources on colour changes and growth of red Oreochromis niloticus[J]. Aquaculture, 1989, 79: 375-380[31] HE P M, ZHANG Y J, HE W H. Effect of the spirulina feed on the growth and body color of crucian carp[J]. Journal of Fisheries of china,1999,23(2):162-168.[何培民,张饮江,何文辉. 螺旋藻对锦鲤生长和体色的影响[J].水产学报. 1999, 23(2): 162-168][32] Choubert G. Tentative utilization of spirulin algae as a source of carotenoid pigments for rainbow trout[J]. Aquaculture, 1979, 18: 135-143[33] Torrissen O, Tidemann E, Hansen F, et al. Ensiling in acid-A method to stabilize astaxanthin in shrimp processing by-products and improve uptake of this pigment by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) [J]. Aquaculture, 1981, 26: 77-83[34] Choubert G, Luquet P. Utilization of shrimp meal for rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Rich) pigmentation. Influence of fat content of the diet[J]. Aquaculture, 1983, 32: 19-26[35] Kamata T, Neamtu G, Tanaka Y, et al. Utilization of Adonis aestivalis as a dietary pigment source for rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri[J]. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1990, 56: 783-788[36] Spinelli J, Mahnken C. Carotenoid deposition in pen-reared salmonids fed diets containing oil extracts of red crab (Pleuroncodes planipes) [J]. Aquaculture, 1978, 13: 213-223[37] Fujita T, Satake M, Hikichi S, et al. Pigmentation of cultured yellowtail with krill oil[J]. Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1983, 49(10): 1595-1600[38] Fujita T, Satake M, Watanabe T, et al. Pigmentation of cultured Red sea bream with astaxanthin diester purified from krill oil[J]. Bull Jap Soc Sci Fish, 1983,49(10): 1855 -1861