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Stevenson D K,Campana S E [ed.]. Otolith microstructure examination and analysis [C]. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1992,117:126P[2] Pannella G. Fish otoliths:daily growth layers and periodical patterns [J]. Science,1971,173:1124-1127[3] Jones C. Determining age of larval fish with the otolith increment technique [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1986,84:91-103[4] Campana S E,Neilson J D. Microstructure of fish otoliths [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1985,42:1014-1032[5] Zhang Z,Runham N W,Pitcher T J. A new technique for preparing fish otolith for examination of daily growth increments [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1991,38:313-315[6] Shiao J C,Tzeng C S,Leu C L,et al. Enhancing the contrast and visibility of daily growth increments in fish otoliths etched by proteinase K buffer [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1999,54:302-309[7] Victor B C,Brothers E B. Age and growth of the fallfish semotilus corporalis with daily otolith increments as a method of annulus verification [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1982,60:2543-2550[8] 常剑波,邓中,孙建贻,等. 草鱼仔幼鱼耳石日轮及日龄研究[A]. 中国动物学会成立60周年:纪念陈桢教授诞辰100周年论文集[C]. 1994,323-329[9] Bestgen K R,Bundy J M. Environmental factors affect daily increment deposition and otolith growth in young Colorado squawfish [J]. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.,1998,127:105-117[10] Secor D H,Dean J M. Comparison of otolith-based back-calculation methods to determine individual growth histories of larval striped bass,Morone saxatilis [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1992,49:1439-1454[11] Campana S E. How reliable are growth backcalculations based on otoliths?[J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1990,47:2219-2227[12] Powles P M,Warlen S M. Estimation of hatch periods for yellow perch,based on otolith readings from juveniles(age-0)[J]. Am. Fish.Soc.Symp.,1988,5:60-67[13] Campana S E. Otolith microtructure of three larval gadids in the Gulf of Maine,with inferences on early life history [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1989,67:1401-1410[14] Umezawa A,Tsukamoto K. Age and birth date of the glass eel,Anguilla japonica, collected in Taiwan [J]. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,1990,56:1199-1202[15] Zhang Z. Beamish R J,Riddell B E. Differences in otolith microstructure between hatchery-reared and wild chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tschawytscha)[J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1995,52:344-352[16] Tzeng W N,Tsai Y C. Changes in otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, during its migration from the ocean to the rivers of Taiwan [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1994,45:671-683[17] Geffen A J. The deposition of otolith rings in Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar L.,embryos [J]. J. Fish Biol., 1983,23:467-474[18] Volk E C,Schroder S L,Fresh K L. Inducement of unique otolith banding patterns as a practical means to mass-mark juvenile Pacific salmon [J]. Am. Fish Soc. Symp.,1990,7:203-215[19] Radtke R L,Kinzie III R A,Folsom S D. Age at recruitment of Hawaiian freshwater gobies [J]. Environ. Biol.Fishes,1988,23:205-213[20] Neilson J D,Geen G H,Chan B. Variability in dimensions of salmon otolith nuclei:implications for stock identification and microstructure interpretation [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1985,83:81-89[21] Rybock J T,Horton H F,Fessler J L. Use of otoliths to separate juvenile steelhead trout from juvenile rainbow trout [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1975,73:654-659[22] Campana S E. Microstructural growth patterns in the otoliths of larval and juvenile starry flounder,Platichthys stellatus [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1984,62:1507-1512[23] 宋昭彬. 四大家鱼仔幼鱼耳石微结构的特征及其应用研究[D]. 武汉:中国科学院水生生物研究所,2000[24] Finn J E, Burger C V,Holland-Bartels L. Discrimination among populations of sockeye salmon fry with Fourier analysis of otolith banding patterns formed during incubation [J]. Trans. Am.Fish. Soc.,1997,126:559-578[25] Edmonds J S,Moran M J,Caputi N, et al. Trace element analysis of fish sagittae as an aid to stock identification:pink snapper(Chrysophrys auratus)in Western Australian waters [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1989,46:50-54[26] Campana S E,Fowler A J,Jones C M. Otolith elemental fingerprinting for stock identification of Atlantic cod(Gadus morhua)using laser ablation ICPMS [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1994,51:1942-1950[27] Rieman B E,Myers D L,Nielsen R L. Use of otolith microchemistry to discriminate Oncorhynchus nerka of resident and anadromous origin [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1994,51:68-77[28] Crecco V,Savoy T,Gunn L. Daily mortality rates of larval and juvenile American shad(Alosa sapidissima)in the Connecticut River with changes in year-class strength [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1983,40:1719-1728[29] Post J R,Prankevicius A B. Size-selective mortality in young-of-the-year yellow perch(Perca flavescens):evidence from otolith microstructure [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1987,44:1840-1847[30] Methot R D Jr. Seasonal variation in survival of larval northern anchovy,Engraulis mordax, estimated from the age distribution of juveniles [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1983,81:741-750[31] Radtke R L. Strontium-calcium concentration ratios in fish otoliths as environmental indicators [J]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,1989,92:189-193
Stevenson D K,Campana S E [ed.]. Otolith microstructure examination and analysis [C]. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1992,117:126P[2] Pannella G. Fish otoliths:daily growth layers and periodical patterns [J]. Science,1971,173:1124-1127[3] Jones C. Determining age of larval fish with the otolith increment technique [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1986,84:91-103[4] Campana S E,Neilson J D. Microstructure of fish otoliths [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1985,42:1014-1032[5] Zhang Z,Runham N W,Pitcher T J. A new technique for preparing fish otolith for examination of daily growth increments [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1991,38:313-315[6] Shiao J C,Tzeng C S,Leu C L,et al. Enhancing the contrast and visibility of daily growth increments in fish otoliths etched by proteinase K buffer [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1999,54:302-309[7] Victor B C,Brothers E B. Age and growth of the fallfish semotilus corporalis with daily otolith increments as a method of annulus verification [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1982,60:2543-2550[8] 常剑波,邓中,孙建贻,等. 草鱼仔幼鱼耳石日轮及日龄研究[A]. 中国动物学会成立60周年:纪念陈桢教授诞辰100周年论文集[C]. 1994,323-329[9] Bestgen K R,Bundy J M. Environmental factors affect daily increment deposition and otolith growth in young Colorado squawfish [J]. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.,1998,127:105-117[10] Secor D H,Dean J M. Comparison of otolith-based back-calculation methods to determine individual growth histories of larval striped bass,Morone saxatilis [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1992,49:1439-1454[11] Campana S E. How reliable are growth backcalculations based on otoliths?[J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1990,47:2219-2227[12] Powles P M,Warlen S M. Estimation of hatch periods for yellow perch,based on otolith readings from juveniles(age-0)[J]. Am. Fish.Soc.Symp.,1988,5:60-67[13] Campana S E. Otolith microtructure of three larval gadids in the Gulf of Maine,with inferences on early life history [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1989,67:1401-1410[14] Umezawa A,Tsukamoto K. Age and birth date of the glass eel,Anguilla japonica, collected in Taiwan [J]. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,1990,56:1199-1202[15] Zhang Z. Beamish R J,Riddell B E. Differences in otolith microstructure between hatchery-reared and wild chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tschawytscha)[J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1995,52:344-352[16] Tzeng W N,Tsai Y C. Changes in otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, during its migration from the ocean to the rivers of Taiwan [J]. J. Fish Biol.,1994,45:671-683[17] Geffen A J. The deposition of otolith rings in Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar L.,embryos [J]. J. Fish Biol., 1983,23:467-474[18] Volk E C,Schroder S L,Fresh K L. Inducement of unique otolith banding patterns as a practical means to mass-mark juvenile Pacific salmon [J]. Am. Fish Soc. Symp.,1990,7:203-215[19] Radtke R L,Kinzie III R A,Folsom S D. Age at recruitment of Hawaiian freshwater gobies [J]. Environ. Biol.Fishes,1988,23:205-213[20] Neilson J D,Geen G H,Chan B. Variability in dimensions of salmon otolith nuclei:implications for stock identification and microstructure interpretation [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1985,83:81-89[21] Rybock J T,Horton H F,Fessler J L. Use of otoliths to separate juvenile steelhead trout from juvenile rainbow trout [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1975,73:654-659[22] Campana S E. Microstructural growth patterns in the otoliths of larval and juvenile starry flounder,Platichthys stellatus [J]. Can. J. Zool.,1984,62:1507-1512[23] 宋昭彬. 四大家鱼仔幼鱼耳石微结构的特征及其应用研究[D]. 武汉:中国科学院水生生物研究所,2000[24] Finn J E, Burger C V,Holland-Bartels L. Discrimination among populations of sockeye salmon fry with Fourier analysis of otolith banding patterns formed during incubation [J]. Trans. Am.Fish. Soc.,1997,126:559-578[25] Edmonds J S,Moran M J,Caputi N, et al. Trace element analysis of fish sagittae as an aid to stock identification:pink snapper(Chrysophrys auratus)in Western Australian waters [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1989,46:50-54[26] Campana S E,Fowler A J,Jones C M. Otolith elemental fingerprinting for stock identification of Atlantic cod(Gadus morhua)using laser ablation ICPMS [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1994,51:1942-1950[27] Rieman B E,Myers D L,Nielsen R L. Use of otolith microchemistry to discriminate Oncorhynchus nerka of resident and anadromous origin [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1994,51:68-77[28] Crecco V,Savoy T,Gunn L. Daily mortality rates of larval and juvenile American shad(Alosa sapidissima)in the Connecticut River with changes in year-class strength [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1983,40:1719-1728[29] Post J R,Prankevicius A B. Size-selective mortality in young-of-the-year yellow perch(Perca flavescens):evidence from otolith microstructure [J]. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.,1987,44:1840-1847[30] Methot R D Jr. Seasonal variation in survival of larval northern anchovy,Engraulis mordax, estimated from the age distribution of juveniles [J]. Fish. Bull. U.S.,1983,81:741-750[31] Radtke R L. Strontium-calcium concentration ratios in fish otoliths as environmental indicators [J]. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,1989,92:189-193