The present report deals with the freshwater Tintinnoinea observed from plankton catches made during November,1950 to October,1951 from the lake Wu-Li-Hu in South Kiangsu,and during May to June,1954 from a number of lakes and channels in North Kiangsu and Anhui.Altogether 20 species and one variety are reported.Most of them are described as new to science,including two new species of Leprotintinus which was formerly considered as an exclusively marine genus.The diagnosis of new species are given as follows: 1.Tintinnidium entzii sp.nov.(Figs.4—7)Lorica slender,rather regular in form;its length 2.59 oral diameter;oral rim highly ragged;aboral end often bluntly rounded;wall hyline,subuniform in thickness,laid with various coarse and viscous agglomerations.Length: 71.2(55—101)μ;Oral diameter:27.5(22—32)μ.Widely distributed in Kiangsu and Anhui,common.This species was first discovered by Entz(1905)and he described it as Tintinnidium semiciliatum(Sterki)Kent. However,Entz's figures and description are in no way corresponding with Kent's species.Therefore,the present new specific name is suggested. 2.Leprotintinus fluviatile sp.nov.(Figs.14—17)Lorica tube-like,highly elongate,opened at both ends and the anterior diameter larger;6.7 oral diameter in total length;wall soft,thickened anteriorly and thinning aborally,freely agglomerated with rather coarsely foreign particles;no spiral turns.Length:138(103—163)μ;Oral diameter:26(25—27)μ Found abundantly from different localities of Kiangsu and An- hui.Highly variable in length,but constant in oral diameter. 3.Leprotintinnus wusihensis sp.nov.(Figs.18—19)Lorica elongated,tube-shaped,about 4.5 oral diameter in length,with an expended region about at 4/5 total length;rather regular and symmetrical in form;opening of aboral end slightly smaller in comparison with the oral one;wall thin,uniform in thickness;homogenously agglomerated with ovoidal fine particles;animal concave at the posterior end from which a pedMe is prolonged.Length:61 μ;Oral diameter:13.5μ.Only two specimens were observed from the lake Wu-Li-Hu,S.Kiangsu. 4.Tintinnopsis niei sp.nov.(Figs.20—27)Lorica small goblet or short inverted lanceolate,1.9—1.99 oral diameter in length;oral rim entire,slightly irregular;oral about 0.2—0.3 of total length, subcylindrical,expanded aborally with the greatest diameter 1.45 times that of oral at about 2/3 of the total length;aboral end broadly rounded or convex conical;wall thin,uniform in thickness,agglomerated with scanty foreign particles.Length:32.4(28—38)μ;Oral diameter:16.4(15—18)μ.Found both from the lake Wu-Li-Hu,Kiangsu and from a number of lakes in Anhui. 5.Tintinnopsis conus sp.nov.(Figs.28—36)Lorica broadly conical or evaporating dish shaped,1.05 oral diameter in length;oral rim minutely ragged;no collar;aboral end broadly rounded; wall without spiral structure and with rather scattered agglomerations.Length: 37.4(28—55)μ:Oral diameter:35.8(25—46)μ.Found from lakes of Kiangsu and Anhui.With two types of variation;in the one,the greatest trans- diameter of bowl is always smaller than the oral diameter,while in the other, the reverse is true. 6.Tintinnopais kiangsuensis sp.nov.(Figs.37—44)Lorica goblet-shaped,1.73 oral diameter in length;oral rim rather ragged; annular ring absent;bowl rotund,contracting orally and aborally,trans- diameter 1.51 of oral diameter about at the middle;aboral region convex conical,with pointed end;wall thin,laid up with blocks of coarse foreign material.Length:50.4(48—60)μ;Oral diameter:29.1(25—35)μ.Found both in South and North Kiangsu.Very variable in oral diameter. 7.Tintinnopsis cratera(Leidy)com.nov.(Figs.45—49)Lorica more or less flask-shaped,1.75—2.75 oral diameter in length; subcylindrical anteriorly,slightly inflated or bulging out posteriorly;oral rim roughened with agglomerated particles,tubular part various in length,about 1/4-2/5 of the total length in length;no spiral structure;aboral region ovoidal to conical,1.10—1.23 oral diameter in transdiameter;aboral end usually semispherical,rarely convex conical;wall laid up with coarse fragments. Length:70.5(55—88)μ;Oral diameter:32(30—34)μ.Rare,found only from the lake Wu-Li-Hu,S.Kiangsu. 8.Tintinnopsis potiformis sp.nov.(Figs.50—57)Lorica stout goblet,1.18 oral diameter in length;oral rim entire,rather ragged and minutely flared;suboral region contracted in the anterior part of 0.23—0.28 of the total length and then gradually inflated owards the aboral with its greatest diameter 1.05 of oral diameter;aboral region usually broadly rounded or conical;wall agglomerated with comparatively coarse foreign particles.Length:39.2(30—65)μ;Oral diameter:33.1(27—40)μ.Widely distributed both in Kiangsu and Anhui. 9.Tintinnopsis tubuformis sp.nov.(Figs.59—62)Lorica short tube shaped,2.2 oral diameter in length;oral rim less ragged; sides nearly parallel;aboral end semispherical;wall thin,uniformly thickened, and laid up with agglomerations of various size;no spiral turns.Length: 69.9(50—92)μ;Oral diameter:31.8(29—35)μ.Found both in Kiangsu and in Anhui.The lorica varies greatly in length,with the shortest individual only 1/2 the length of the longest ones. 10.Tintinnopsis longus sp.nov.(Figs.63—65)Lorica elongate test-tube shaped,4.11 oral diameter in length;oral rim ragged;bowl with no trace of spiral annulations;almost no change in diameter;aboral end semispherical,never pointed;wall thin,covered with agglomerated irregular foreign material.Length:132(120—162)μ;Oral diameter:31.2(30—35)μ.Abundantly in S.Kiangsu and rather rare in N.Kiangsu. 11.Tintinnopsis leidyi sp.nov.(Figs.74—89)Lorica campanulate,1.15—1.26 oral diameter in length;oral rim some- what smooth or very slightly irregular;collar representing a short inverted truncate cone,1/5-1/3 in total length,usually having 1-2(rare 3)spiral structure;subcollar region slightly contracted;bowl globose;aboral end convex conical,sometimes bluntly pointed;wall composed of rather coarse foreign particles.Length:43.3(38—49)μ;Oral diameter:35.9(31—41)μ. Widely distributed both in Kiangsu and Anhui.Form of lorica very variable. 12.Tintinnopsis sinensis var.fulva(Hada)com.nov.(Figs.96—98)Lorica stout tube-shaped,2.21 oral diameter in length;oral rim slightly ragged;suboral region tubular,indistinctly marked with few spiral turns; aboral region somewhat inflated,about 1.23 oral diameter at its greatest trans- diameter;wall more or less thin,uniform in thickness,laid with fine agglomerations.Length:66.6(62—75)μ;Oral diameter:30.1(27—33)μ. Very rare,found only from S. Kiangsu during Jan.-Feb.,1951 13.Tintinnopsis shenkingensis sp.nov.(Figs.99—104)Lorica top-shaped,1.40 oral diameter in length;oral rim less ragged, with adherent fine laminae;bowl slight bulging below the suboral region; transdiameter almost equal the total length;aboral region convex conical; aboral end blunt;wall thickest at suboral region and thinning gradually toward the aperture,composed of coarse foreign bodies,with 6-9 spiral turns almost throughout the entire length;spiral turns much clear at the anterior two- thirds.Length:71.5(62—80)μ;Oral diameter:50.9(46—57)μ.Very rare,found only from Shen-King-Hu,Anhui,on May 28th,1954. 14.Tintinnopsis anhuiensis sp.nov.(Figs.105—113)Lorica stout goblet,more or less flask-shaped,1.4 oral diameter in length; oral rim rough;collar wide in transdiameter,marked with 3-5 spiral annulations;bowl somewhat globose;aboral end usually convex conical or bluntly rounded;wall thin,almost uniform in thickness,with fine agglomera- tions.Length:73.9(70—84)μ;Oral diameter:52.6(45—56)μ.Abundantly observed from a number of lakes,Anhui Province.Variable both in the number of annulations and in the ratio of the length of oral diameter 15.Tintinnopsis wusihensis sp.nov.(Figs.114—116)Lorica elongate,tube-shaped,3.15 oral diameter in length;oral rim greatly ragged;suboral region cylindrical,usually marked with 5-6 annular rings;aboral region semispherical;aboral end rounded or convex,1.07 oral diameter in its greatest transdiameter;wall moderately thick,with agglomerat- ed materials.Length:98.8(91—104)μ;Oral diameter:31.4(30—34)μ. Found only from Wu-Li-Hu in S.Kiangsu during Nov.1950 to Feb.1951, but not very rare.