Graphical Abstract
This paper deals with the reproduction of Mauremys mutica in April-November, 1998. In Guangdong, the egg laying reaches the peak in May and June. The clutch size ranges from 1-7eggs,with average being 2.5eggs, the average egg weight 13.95g, egg length 4.34cm, egg width 2.23cm. The relationship between egg weight and egg length can be expressed as Wegg =2.8863Legg +1.4208(r=0.6255). At the temperature varying form 25 to 32℃, the egg takes 73.8 days to hatch in average, when water content of sand is 5-10%. The hatching rate is 84.2%. The juvenile weight is 9.75 g, carapace length 3.77cm, carapace width 2.91cm in average. The relationship among hatchling weight and carapace length and width is: W0=4.9367L1-8.8767(r1=0.7615), W0=3.7921L2-1.2762(r2=0.6311). When the juveniles grew from August to November, their weight increased 0.149g per day. The relationship between age and weight,carapace length and width of juvenile Mauremys mutica is: Wt=0.1569t+8 9836(r=0.9941), L1t =0.0182t+3.7343(r1=0.9896), L2t =0.0176t+3.1611(r2=0.9685). The relationship among juvenile weight and carapace length and width is: Wt=8.1567L1-21.361(r1=0.9872), Wt=7.8831L2-15.403(r2=0.9438).