龚世园, 朱子义, 张训蒲, 王明学, 杨学芬, 刘俊辉. 网湖水域中绢丝丽蚌贝壳形态的研究[J]. 水生生物学报, 1997, 21(4): 341-346.
引用本文: 龚世园, 朱子义, 张训蒲, 王明学, 杨学芬, 刘俊辉. 网湖水域中绢丝丽蚌贝壳形态的研究[J]. 水生生物学报, 1997, 21(4): 341-346.
Gong Shiyuan, Zhu Ziyi, Zhang xunpu, Wang Mingxue, Yang Xuefen, Liu Junhui. STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL OF LAMPROTULA FIBROSA IN WANGHU LAKE[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 1997, 21(4): 341-346.
Citation: Gong Shiyuan, Zhu Ziyi, Zhang xunpu, Wang Mingxue, Yang Xuefen, Liu Junhui. STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL OF LAMPROTULA FIBROSA IN WANGHU LAKE[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 1997, 21(4): 341-346.



  • 摘要: 对网湖1368枚绢丝丽蚌贝壳形态研究表明:前排小棘或棘痕数介于3-5之间,4个者居多;所排小棘或棘痕数介于1-4之间,2个者居多。壳长与壳厚的直线回归方程为:L=7.2406T+2.4392,贝壳的角质层最薄,呈棕褐色或者黑色;核柱层稍厚,呈黄褐色;珍珠层最厚,皎白闪亮。生长轮在棱柱层上和珍珠层外表面清晰可见。贝壳外表面背部肋嵴细弱,只在近壳顶处较明显;其棱柱层背部和后部呈黄褐色者为雌蚌。贝壳外表面背部肋嵴粗壮,且整个背部都十分显著;其棱柱层背部和后部呈红色或红褐色者为雄蚌。


    Abstract: Studies on the morphology of shell of 1368 Lamprotula fibrosa Heude in Wang Hu lake showed: The number of the front littie spines or the signs of the spines is 3 to 5 and 4 is the most among them. As for the behind one, it is 1 to 4 and 2 is the most among them. The equahon of linear regression between shell length (L) and shell thickness (T) is L = 7.2406T+ 2.4392. The Periostracum is thinnest, the prismatic layer is thicker than the periostracum and while the pearl layer is the thickest in three layer structure of the shell. The colour of the periostracum is brown or blue-black, the prismatic layer is yellow-brown and the pearl layer is clear and bright. The growth rings of L. fibrosa clearly appear on the prismatic layer and the pearl layer. As far as the female L. fibrosa is concemed, the costal ridges of the back of the exterior near the top of shell look slim and delicate and the colour of the back and rear of the prismatic layer looks yellos-brown. As so as male L. fibrosa is goes, the costal ridges of on the whole back look thick and strong and the colour of the back and rear of trhe prismatic layer looks red or red-brown.


