Carps(Cyprinus carpio)were reared for 50 days with pelleted diets conta-ining multienzyme premix EA-2 in ponds. The increased weight ratio was 12.3 27.5% higher than control,and the feed coefficient 18.76 10.89% lower.thequality parameters including biochemical compositions of hepatopancreas and ofwhite muscle exhibited no significant differences between experimental carps and control ones.Furthermore,the EA-2 increased activities of both protease and diastase inintestines of carps.However,in hepatopancreas EA-2 increased the activitv ofdiastase and decreased the activity of protease. These results indicated that EA-2 premix increased the growth of the carp,and improved its digestibility and feedutilization ratio. It is suggested that the effect of EA-2 may result from increasedenzyme activities in the intestines and increased enzyme production in the hepatopa-ncreas.