

  • 摘要: 本文报道了采自新疆维吾尔自治区的桥弯藻科(硅藻门)中国新记录植物11种3变种,分别为Amphora mexi-canavar.major(Cleve)A.Cleve,Amphora twenteanaKrammer,Encyonema cespitosumK櫣tzing,Encyonema silesiacumvar.ventriformisKrammer,Cymbopleura albanicaKrammer et Miho,Cymbopleura apiculataKrammer,Cymbopleura schwe-ickerdtiiCholoky,Cymbella compacta strup,Cymbella diversaKrammer,Cymbella excisavar.subcapitataKrammer,Cymbella hantzschianaKrammer,Cymbella scutarianaKrammer,Cymbella subhelveticaKrammer,Cymbella vulgataKram-mer。对其分类学特征进行了详细的描述,并给出了它们的生境特征。


    Abstract: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in Northwestern China, the largest area in all the p rovinceleveladministrative regions of China, and it has especial geographic position and peculiar climate characteristic.Algae resourcesare very abundance in this region, but the research of algae flora is relative weakness.Diatom samp les were collected in July and August, 00., from Xinjiang Province and obtained from a wide variety ofhabitats in the investigated area as lakes, rivers, sp rings, streams, swamp s, ponds and temporary waters.Samp les werefixed in 4% formalin and kep t in the Herbarium of the Biology Department of Shanghai Normal University.Microscopeslides were p repared by acid digestion method and mounted in Canada balsam or Hyrax gum.Lightmicroscope observationswere conducted using a Nikon E800 D IC microscope at magnification x.000 and a Nikon digital camera DXM.00.In the observation, eleven species and three varieties of Cymbellaceae (Bacillariophyta) are new records of China,they are Amphora mexicana var.major (Cleve) A.Cleve, Amphora twenteana Krammer, Encyonema cespitosum K黷z.,Encyonema silesiacum var.ventriform is Krammer, Cymbopleura albanica Krammer etMiho, Cymbopleura apiculata Krammer, Cymbopleura schweickerdtii Choloky, Cymbella compacta strup, Cymbella diversa Krammer, Cymbella excisa var.subcapitata Krammer, Cymbella hantzschiana Krammer, Cymbella scutariana Krammer, Cymbella subhelvetica Krammerand Cymbella vulgata Krammer.The taxonomic characters and habitatwere described.The studywill p rovide basic data fordiatom resource investigation of China.


