徐小清, 邓冠强, 惠嘉玉, 张晓华, 丘昌强. 长江三峡库区江段沉积物的重金属污染特征[J]. 水生生物学报, 1999, 23(1): 1-10.
引用本文: 徐小清, 邓冠强, 惠嘉玉, 张晓华, 丘昌强. 长江三峡库区江段沉积物的重金属污染特征[J]. 水生生物学报, 1999, 23(1): 1-10.
Xu Xiaoqing, Deng Guanqiang, Hui Jiayu, Zhang Xiaohua, Qiu Changqiang. HEAVY METAL POLLUTION IN SEDIMENTS FROM THE THREE GORGE RESERVOIR AREA[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 1999, 23(1): 1-10.
Citation: Xu Xiaoqing, Deng Guanqiang, Hui Jiayu, Zhang Xiaohua, Qiu Changqiang. HEAVY METAL POLLUTION IN SEDIMENTS FROM THE THREE GORGE RESERVOIR AREA[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 1999, 23(1): 1-10.



  • 摘要: 测定了三峡库区江段沉积物(63μm)中21个元素的含量。比例比配统计分析指出,重庆至涪陵江段的沉积物样品间无明显相关,涪陵至巴东江段的沉积物样品间在90%置信水平上显着相关;沉积物中钙、镁、锶、钡、铁、钻、镍、镉、锰、锌、铝、钒、镧、钇、钛等元素间在90%置信水平上有显着相关,但砷、锅、铜、汞、铅、磷等元素间以及它们与上述元素间无显着相关。这表明涪陵以上江段的沉积物因受重庆和长寿污染影响大,样品间的相似性小,而涪陵以下江段的沉积物受污染影响小,样品间存在较好的相似性。元素间相关性的差异反映出了砷、镉、铜、汞、铅、磷在沉积物中可能具有不同的形态或反映出不同江段的污染状况。计算沉积物中汞的富集因子EF值证明,在控制沉积物粒径与成分影响的条件下,三峡库区江段的沉积物普遍受到汞污染,EF值高达1.4-92.


    Abstract: Determination of 21 heavy metals in sediments from the Three GorgeReservoir area was conducted. The results of the ration matching analysis show thatthere is a good correlation among sediments in the Fulin-Badong reaches of theChangjiang River, but the low correlation in the Chongqing-Fulin reaches. This meansthat in the reaches the sedimentation is affected by municipal wastewater, andsimilarity among sediment samples is low, but the good similarity of samples from theFulin-Badong reaches because of light pollution. There seems to be in high correlationamong Mg, Sr, Ba, Fe, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, Zn, Al, Ca, V, Y, Ti in sediments, thisindicates that the speciation of these elements in sediments is similar, the differencesof the correlation among As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, P are considered that the speciation ofthe elements in sediments may be affected by pollution. Under conditions of limitinggrain size and constitute of sediments, values of mercury enrichment factor are 33-92, this confirms that sediments in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area reaches arepolluted by mercury. The analysis of Ef indicates that anthronogenic sources ofmercury are the high mercury background area of the southeast Sichuan province,China, Burning of coat with high content of mercury, mining and municipalwastewater.


