

  • 摘要: 蓝藻植物的分布很广,在热带和寒带,在海水和淡水中,在温泉或冰雪中,在潮湿土地上或直射阳光下的干燥岩石上,到处都有。最引人注意的是在平滑坚固的岩石表面,看来是很难得到营养料的地方,有些蓝藻还可以生长繁殖。因此,人们就不能不考虑到蓝藻是怎样德适应这样的环境条件去生活,它具备有什么特点可以使他获得生命活动中不可或缺的氮素化合物;也很自然地会想到它是否能够利用空气中的游离氮素进行同化-固氮-以取得它所需要的氮素化合物;尤其是生长在平滑岩石上的地衣-一类由菌类和藻类(蓝藻和绿藻)的共生植物,是否依靠蓝藻来供应氮素化合物(氮肥)这一些问题。


    Abstract: The investigation deals,with the nitrogen fixation of some blue-green algae isolated from the soils of rice fields.Samples of algae-bearing soils were collected from rice fields in the provinces of Hupeh,Hunan and Kiangsi.Uni-algal cultures were made first on media enriched with nitrogenous compounds to encourage vigorous growth.The uni-algal cultures were then subcul- tured onto nitrogen-free media,which effected a preliminary separation of those algae which could thrive in the absence of pre-formed nitrogenous compounds,from those which could not.The algae which showed a prolific growth on the nitrogen-free medium may be considered either to be capable of“fixing”(assimilating)atmospheric nitrogen,or that their nitrogen supply is coming from Azotobacter present in the culture.Our next step was to obtain bacteria-flee unialgal cultures. Two bacteriostatic methods were used:ultra-violet radiation from 300-watt quartz lamps,and treatment with streptomycin. Bacteriostatically treated uni-algal cultures were tested by inoculating sterile nitrogen-free media suitable for Azotobacter and allied organisms.Examination of these subcultures from the irradiated material showed that an intermittent radiation from our lamps of 5 minutes,repeated two or three times,was an effective bacteriostatic.Also,that Azotobacter and other micro-organisms were killed after treatment with 20 ppm.of streptomycin. The capacity for assimilating free nitrogen from the air was assessed by determining the quantity of nitrogenous compounds produced in the algal cells and in the medium,by means of the micro- Kjeldhal method.The nitrogen-fixing capacity has now been assessed on 4 isolated types of Blue- green Algae:HB 686(dnabaena azotica);HB 678(dnabaena azotica f.alpha);HB 670 (Anabaena variabilis forma);and HB 508 (Nostoc Linckia forma).The highest rate of fixation, amounting to 1.0146 rag.N/100 cc.of nitrogen-flee medium in 4 days,was attained by HB 686; the next,of 0.9382 mg.N,by HB 678,0.8614 nag.N,by HB 670;and 0.7592 mg.N,was produced under the same conditions,by HB 508.


