• 摘要: 细鳞斜颌鲴是在我国分布较广而又为群众所喜爱的一种野生经济鱼类。这种鱼在某些天然水体中可成为优势种群,产量较大,最高可以占总渔获量的50%以上。但有许多水体中却没有这种鱼或数量不大。通过试验和研究,我们已能对这种鱼进行大规模的人工繁殖和苗种培育,近年来,已将数万尾大规格鱼种投放到一原来只投放“家鱼”(泛指鲩、青、鲢、鳙,以下均同)的水库中,并将检验其增产效果。实践证明斜颌鲴在池塘中与现有“家鱼”混养时,非但不影响“家鱼”的生长,并可使池塘总产量增加10%以上;原因是这种鱼主要以其他养殖鱼类尚未利用或未能充分利用的腐屑、腐泥和着生藻类为食物。该鱼头两年生长较快,两周年可达一市斤左右,并第一次达到性成熟,这种规格的鱼上市就是经济价值高的优良食用鱼。因其在池塘中易于捕捞,故也是丰产塘中轮捕轮放的好对象。按普通“家鱼”种的培育方法当年鱼可养成4寸左右,第二年底都能在半斤以上,大的可达8两半。由于该鱼头小肉多而味美,故即使2—3两重的鱼在市场上也受到顾客的欢迎。本文还介绍了养殖这种鱼的方法及其有关的生物学资料,并讨论了在天然水体中促使这种鱼增产的可能途径。


    Abstract: Plagiognathops microlepis Bleeker,an economic freshwater fish (Xenocyprininae,Cyprinidae) widely distributed in China,is a favorite with our broad masses,but itsnatural population is not large and the yield of this fish is low in many waters.As a result of our experimentation and research,now we can successfully conductartificial propagation and culture of this fish on a large scale.We have already stoc-ked a reservoir with a large number of its sizable fingerlings,in anticipation of inc-reasing yield in the coming years.For pond-farming,it has been demonstrated that the participation of Plagiog-nathops in polyculture with the team of“domestic”carps does not interfere with thenormal growth of the latter,and the total yield of a pond is actually increased byabout 10%.The fish is easy to catch (by seining);this makes it a desirable objectfor the practice of recurrent stocking and“skimming”within a year in ponds in-tended for bumper yield.The juveniles as well as the adults of Plagiognathops feed on humus,bottomdetritus and benthic algae,which are not much utilized by the traditional“domestic”fishes.Growth rate of Plagiognathops is rather high during the first two years of life:young fish 6 months of age weigh about 100—150 g,those of 18 months old,above250 g (450 g for the largest specimen);the average weight of 2-year-old individuals is500 g,a size ready for the market.Owing to its tastiness and relatively more edibleparts,fish even of the grade of 100—150 g are readily acceptable to customers.The principal results of our experiments on the rearing of this fish,togetherwith the relevant biological data obtained,are given in this paper.


