

  • 摘要: 江豚Neophocaena phocaenoides鳍肢的基本结构与海洋豚类相同,但又有其特殊性。为完善江豚鳍肢骨骼形态特征的研究,本文通过运用原位解剖、制作透明鳍肢骨骼以及X光拍照的方法,对威海海域四头江豚的鳍肢骨骼进行了较全面、较系统地观察和测量,对每一块骨骼的名称、位置、形状、大小做了详细描述,并分析了没有中央腕骨和腕骨1的原因,这些在以往的研究中还未见报道。标本具有不同的年龄和性别,采集的时间和地点也不同,因此,本结果带有一定的普遍性。与以往研究鳍肢骨骼的方法相比,制作透明鳍肢骨骼具有直观、完整、清晰、美观、准确、易于观察等特点,辅以X光照片观察得出与以往研究的结果有很大差别,如国内外学者原来记述腕骨的形态为5块相连成一平坦的椭圆形盘状;指式总结为:Ⅰ2-3,Ⅱ5-9,Ⅲ5-8,Ⅳ3-4,Ⅴ2-3。而作者记述为在整体上,腕骨与包围它们自身的软骨共同连成一平坦的不规则多角形;指式为:Ⅰ0-1,Ⅱ6,Ⅲ5,Ⅳ2,Ⅴ0(掌骨不计)。据分析,造成这些差异的主要原因之一是研究方法的不同。


    Abstract: The finless porpoise Neophocaenaphocaenoides (G. Cuvier,1829) inhabits both in the coastal waters and Yangtze River and its adjacent lakes. It is protected in Order Ⅱ in China.The flipper of the finless porpoise is studied here in order to betterunderstand the origin and evolution of marine mammals. It is found that the basic structure of the flipper is similar to that of theother dolphins and porpoises, but some characteristics are worthy of notice. By making transparent skeleton in situ and X-ray photos, this paper gives detailed observation, measurement and analysis on four pairs of flippers. These finless porpoises werecaught in different time and location by the fishermen in Weihai by bycatch, and vary in age and sex. Compared with the previousresearch, transparent skeleton has its advantages of living, complete, clear, esthetical, precise and easy to observe. In addition, theX -ray photos can help to verify the result.The name, position, shape and size of each bone of the flipper are described in detailand the reason of lacking centrale and carple1has not been reported.Through further observation, it is found that the result showssome differences with others, for example, previous studies recorded theoverall shapeof the five carpuses is elliptical and thepha -langeal formula summarized 2-3, 5-9, 5-8, 3-4, 2-3. But the authors record the five carpuses and their cartilage forman irregular polygon, and the phalangeal formula is 0-1, 6, 5, 2, 0.The difference is likely to be associated with themethods, and it is very clear that more research is needed in order to better understand this.


