摘要: 镜泊湖位于黑龙江省宁安县境内,海拔350米,面积约300平方公里,最大水深约60米,是我国最大的堰塞湖。水生植物主要生于南部和西部的河流、沟涧的入湖处及港湾、湖叉等地段。因底质、水深、透明度等环境不同、植物种类和覆盖度有明显差异。我们根据植物的不同生活型和优势种,划分为下列3个类型和12个群落。挺水植物7个群落:水蒿,芦苇,菰,泽泻+慈菇,大基荸荠,拂子茅+荻,湿苔草+大穗苔草;浮水植物3个群落:两栖蓼,菱,荇菜;沉水植物2个群落:眼子菜,杉叶藻。Abstract: Jinpo lake is located in Ning An County of Heilongjiang Province( 44°N, 129°E) at an elevation of 350 metres. It covers an area of about 300 km2. The maximum water depth of the lake is about 60 m., the transparency ranges 1.7—2.5 m., and ph ranges 6—6.5. Annually, the mean highest water temperature is about 23℃ in July-August, while the lowest, about 1.5℃ in Junuary. This lake is rich in aquatic plantts, which are mainly distributed in the southern and western parts of the lake. Based on a field observation on the life-form and the domination of the species 3 types and 12 communities are determined as follows:1. Erect types :(1) Artemisia selengensis Community.(2) Phragmites communis Community.(3) Zizania caduciflora Community.(4) Alisma orientalie + Sagittaria trifolia Community.(5) Eleocharis kamtschatica Community.(6) Calamagrostis epigejos + Miscanths sacchariflorus Community.(7) Carex humida + Carex rhynchophysa Community.2. Leaf-floating types :(1) Polygonum amphibium Community.(2) Trapa manshurica Community.(3) Nymphoids peltatum Community.3. Submerged types :(1) Potamogeton malaianus + P. tepperi Community.(2) Hippuris vulgaris Community.The changeable water depth in the lake is thought to have a. great influence upon the sccession of community, about which a discussion is given in the present paper.