

  • 摘要: 作者于1963年12月—1964年12月对东湖Ⅳ、Ⅴ两个采样站的聚草、金鱼藻、黄丝草上周丛原生动物进行了周年的定性和定量的观察。共观察到175种周丛原生动物,其中真周丛原生动物占62.9%,伪周丛原生动物占37.1%。两个采样站、三种水草上原生动物数量周年变动均有共同的趋势,即在低温的冬季出现数量高峰,左右数量变动的优势种类是钟形钟虫,占周丛原生动物总数的80—90%。在Ⅴ站同期进行人工基质上周丛原生动物生态比较,表明其优势种类与水草上相同,但群集速度却以水温高的8—9月份为最快。通过金鱼藻生物量、金鱼藻上和人工基质上原生动物数量三者关系的分析,认为影响周丛原生动物数量变动的重要因子是水草本身的生长情况。文中分析了周丛原生动物与水体污染程度的关系,指出着生原生动物是迅速监测水体污染程度的优良指示生物。


    Abstract: A previous article relating to the ecological study on the planktonic protozoans inLake Dong Hu (Tung-Hu) was published in 1965. The present paper deals with theperiphytic protozoans of the same lake. Samples were collected at semi-monthly in-tervals at 2 stations (Stations Ⅳ and Ⅴ in Fig. 1) during the period from December,1963 to December, 1964. Examination of the samples revealed tt total of 175 speciesof periphytic protozoans (Table 2), of which 110 species were designated as euperi-phyton and the remaining 65 species as pseudoperiphyton. Since only 27 species werecommon to both planktonic and periphytic habitats, the species composition of theperiphytic protozoans was radically different from that of the planktonic ones. Regarding the seasonal fluctuation in the abundance of periphytic protozoans thatgrew on the predominant macrophytes (Potamogeton maackianus, Myriophyllum spica-tum and Ceratophyllum demersum), the maximal number was recorded at relatively lowwater temperatures (Figs. 3-4). The occurrence of this maximum was mainly dueto the extraordinary richness of the most predominant species, Vorticella campanula,comprising 80-90% of the sum total of periphytic protozoans (Fig. 5). Centropyxisspp., which attached mainly to the leaves of Potamogeton maackianus, constituted thenext predominant group, possibly because of the precipitation of calcium carbonate,which is so needful to this group in building up the lorica, by the process of phytosyn-thesis in this plant. In order to elucidate the discrepancy between the season of maximal abundance(winter) of the periphytic protozoans on the one hand and that of the planktonic ones(spring and autumn) on the other hand, a parallel test by means of artificial substra-tum was made during the investigation. It has been demonstrated that while thespecies composition of periphytic protozoans on the glass slides was essentially the sameas that on the aquatic macrophytes, the tempo of colonizing in the case glass slides was,however, most swift in August and September. From an analysis of the interrela-tionship between the seasonal fluctuatuons in the abundance of protozoans growing onCeratophyllum demersum, the biomass of the plant, and the abundance of protozoansattaching to artificial substratum (Fig. 10), it seems justified to suggest that the lifecycle of the macrophyte itself exerts a strong influence over the seasonal fluctuatuonin the abundance of periphytic protozoans. The role of the periphytic protozoa as it biological indicator for estimating thedegree of saprobity was also investigated. That the annual average number of periphy-tic protozoans on the leaves of Myriophyllum spicatum at Station Ⅳ was 4.5 times that of Station Ⅴ (Table 1) has been in conformity with the results of our previousstudy on the planktonic protozoans. In conclusion, the author points out that both theperiphytic and planktonic protozoans, especially the attached peritrichous ciliates, playan important role in the assessment of saprobity levels. The new species earmarkedin Table 2 will be described in a separate paper.


