Under normal conditions,two kinds of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) isozylnes H4 and M4 were found in Megalobatrachus davideinus. The other three kinds of isozymes(H1M3,H2M2,H3M1)were not fond.The results of the LDH isozymes from fifteen tissues showedthat each of the fourteen tissues contains two kinds of isozymes except the red cell.The redcells have only one(M4).But the relative content in each tissue was different.M4 isozymewas absolutely predominant compared with the other isozymes. During the development process from young to adult,the contents of LDH isozymes in tissues of M. davidianus were notchanged except the brain and spermary.The content of LDH in every investigated tissues aredifferent from each another.