BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF CHINESE SOFT-SHELLED TURTLE(TRIONYX SINENSIS) I. Contents of normal nutrients and composition of muscle fatty acids
Graphical Abstract
Contents of moisture, crude protein, lipid and crude ash were analysed in different parts of muscle, carapace, calipesh and fatty block of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (weight: 11.5- 18.0g), one-year old Chinese soft-shelled turtle (weight: 100.0- 125.5g), two-year old Chinese soft-shelled turtle (weight:220.0-263.0g) and three-year old Chinese soft-shelled turtle (weight: 450.0-480.0g), and so was the composition of fatty acids. The contents of crude protein in muscle, calipesh and carapace ranged from 18.33% to 24.74%. The contents of lipid in muscle、 calipash and carapace were fairiy low. The fatty acids in muscle contaned 32.39% highunsaturated fatty acids, among which EPA (C20:5 Eicosapentaenoil acid) was about 7% and DHA (C22:6 Docosaheraenoic acid) about 8% of tatal fatty acids.