Sinocyclocheilus macrolepis sp. nov. (fig. 1) Holotype: No.866007. standard body length 145mm, collected from Longtang Fanghua Luliang County (2505N, 10340E) Yunnan, in June, 1986.5 paratype body length 71185 mm, collected with the holotype. Diagnosis: This new species distinguishes in other so far as know within the same genus from the latter in having: large scales and oval length, same of scales lateral and body. Sinocyclocheilus lateristriatus sp. nov. (fig. 2) Holotype. No.865027. standard body length 130mm, collected from Longtang Fanghua Luliang County, Yunnan, in May, 1986. 15 paratype body length 56139mm, collected with the holotype. Diagnosis: This new species distinguishes in other so far as know within the same genus, from the latter in having: Presented a black stripe extending from the gill opening to caudal peduned. Sinocyclocheilus maitianheensis sp. nov. (fig. 3) Holotype: No.874001. standard body length 97mm, collected from Maitianhe River Yiliang Cauinty(2450N,10305E) Yunnan (Nunpan R. system), in April, 1987.5 paratypes No.66204244, 87400203. body length 7797mm, collected at the same locality, in April, 1966 and 1987. Diagnosis: The new species is distinguished from Sinocyclocheilus malacopterus Chu et Cui by its strong and hard last unbrached dorsal ray and small body. All the type specimens mentioned above are kept in the Museum of the Institute of Hydrobiology Academia Sinica, Wuhan Hupei province, ect.