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Jiang Y G, Liang S C, Chen B D, et al. Biological effect of heterlogous sperm on gynogenetic offspring in Carassius auratus gibelio [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1983, 8(1):1-13.[蒋一NB028,梁绍昌,陈本德. 异源精子在银鲫雌核发育子代中的生物学效应. 水生生物学报,1983,8(1):1-13][2] Ding J, Xie Y F, Jiang Y G, et al. The analysis of heterologous genetic materials in allogenetic crucian carp and its artificial hybrids [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1993, 17(1):22-26.[丁军,谢岳峰,蒋一NB028等. 异育银鲫及其人工杂合种外源遗传物质的检测分析. 水生生物学报,1993,17(1):22-26][3] Ding J, Jiang Y G, Shan S X, et al. Cytological mechanism on the appearance of multiple tetraploid allogynogenetic crucian carp [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1992, 16(2):186-187.[丁军,蒋一NB028,单士新, 等. 复合四倍体银鲫产生的细胞学机制. 水生生物学报,1992,16(2):186-187][4] Chen H, Yang J, Xue G X, et al. The application of RAPD in allogynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994,39(7):661-664].[陈洪,杨靖,薛国雄, 等. RAPD在异精激发方正银鲫比较研究中的应用. 科学通报,1994,39(7):661-663][5] Zhang H F, Chen X L, Shu H, et al. RAPD analysis of gynogenetic F1 progeny triggering by heterologous sperms and their parents of Pengze crucian carp(Carassius auratus)[J]. Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 1999, 5(5):507-511.[张海发,陈湘NB024,舒琥, 等. 异源精子激发彭泽鲫雌核发育产生的子一代及亲本RAPD分析. 应用与环境生物学报,1999,5(5):507-511][6] Chen X L, Zhao J, Ma G Z, et al. Application of gynogenetic crucian carp in fish breeding [J]. Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science), 1998, supplement: 1-3.[陈湘NB024,赵俊,马广智,等. 雌核发育鲫鱼在育种上的应用. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),1998,(增刊):1-3][7] Schartl M, Nandal I and Schlupp I et al., Incorporation of subgenomic amounts of host species DNA in the gynogenetic Amazon molly [J]. Nature, 1995, 373: 67-71[8] Lu Y D, Shen H, Lu J and Shi H. Comparative studies on biochemical composition in serum of allogynogenetic Qihe crucian carp and its parents [J]. Zool Res, 1991, 12(2):181-185.[楼允东,沈NB058,陆君,时宏. 异育淇鲫及其亲本血清生化组成的比较研究. 动物学研究,1991,12(2):181-185][9] Zhang Y P, Liu H, Lou Y D. Electrophoresis of isozymes and muscle protein of an abnormal crucian carp[J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1990, 17(1):34-37.[张英培,刘红,楼允东. 异育淇鲫及其双亲同工酶的比较研究. 遗传学报,1990,17(1):34-37][10] Teng C B, Sun X W and Shen J B. RAPD analysis of gynogenetic crucian carp activiated by heterologous sperms and their parents [J]. Journal of Fisheries of China, 1999, 23(4): 420-423.[滕春波,孙孝文,沈俊宝. 利用异源精子激发雌核发育的银鲫及亲本的RAPD分析. 水产学报,1999,23(4):420-423][11] Zhou L, Wang Y, Gui J F. Genetic evidence for gonochoritic reproduction in gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gobelio Block) as revealed by RAPD assays [J]. J Mol Evol, 2000a,51:498-506[12] Zhu L F. Gradient Gel Electrophoresis on polyacrylamide of isozymes and proteins of fishes [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1992,16(2): 183-185.[朱蓝菲. 鱼类同工酶和蛋白质的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法. 水生生物学报,1992,16(2):183-185][13] Zhou L and Gui J F. Karyotypic dicersity in polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gobelio Block [J]. Genetica, 2002, 115:223-232[14] Zhou L, Wang Y, Gui J F. Analysis of genetic heterogeneity among five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, based on detection of RAPD molecular markers [J]. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 2000b,88:133-139[15] Li M Y, Zhou L, Yang L, et al. Molecular genetic analysis on Pengze crucian carp and comparison with strain A of gynogenetic silver crucian carp [J]. Journal of Fisheries China, 2002, 26(5): 472-476.[李名友,周莉,杨林,等. 彭泽鲫的分子遗传分析及其与方正银鲫A系的比较. 水产学报,2002,26(5):472-476][16] Yao J H, Lou Y D, Jiang Y. A study on mitochondrial DNA polymorphis among six geographical populations of Carassius auratus gobelio in China [J]. Journal of Fisheries of China, 1998, 22(4): 289-295. [姚纪花,楼允东,江涌. 我国六个地区银鲫种群线粒体DNA多态性的研究. 水产学报,1998,22(4):289-295][17] Zhang H, Dong X H, Ye Y Z and Wu Q J. Comparative studies of the mtDNA from three strains of triploid Carassius auratus and Carassius auratus auratus [J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1998, 25(4): 330-336. [张辉,董新红,叶玉珍, 等. 三个三倍体鲫鱼品系及野鲫mtDNA的比较研究. 遗传学报,1998,25(4):330-336][18] Yang R J, Li B X, Feng H, Yang C B, Sun Y D, Zhang X J and Luo S. 2003. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosome number and ploidy of Carassius auratus variety pengze [J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 49(1): 104-109. [杨睿娇,李冰霞,冯浩,杨楚彬,孙远东,张轩杰,罗NB056. 2003. 彭泽鲫染色体数目及倍性的细胞遗传学分析. 动物学报,49(1):104-109][19] Wu L Z and Wang Z X. Study on the developmental genetic of isozymes in Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Ⅱ. Analysis of isozymes during the early development of Grass carp [J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1987, 14(5): 387-394.[吴力钊,王祖熊. 草鱼同工酶发育遗传学研究. 遗传学报,1987,14(5):387-394]
Jiang Y G, Liang S C, Chen B D, et al. Biological effect of heterlogous sperm on gynogenetic offspring in Carassius auratus gibelio [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1983, 8(1):1-13.[蒋一NB028,梁绍昌,陈本德. 异源精子在银鲫雌核发育子代中的生物学效应. 水生生物学报,1983,8(1):1-13][2] Ding J, Xie Y F, Jiang Y G, et al. The analysis of heterologous genetic materials in allogenetic crucian carp and its artificial hybrids [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1993, 17(1):22-26.[丁军,谢岳峰,蒋一NB028等. 异育银鲫及其人工杂合种外源遗传物质的检测分析. 水生生物学报,1993,17(1):22-26][3] Ding J, Jiang Y G, Shan S X, et al. Cytological mechanism on the appearance of multiple tetraploid allogynogenetic crucian carp [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1992, 16(2):186-187.[丁军,蒋一NB028,单士新, 等. 复合四倍体银鲫产生的细胞学机制. 水生生物学报,1992,16(2):186-187][4] Chen H, Yang J, Xue G X, et al. The application of RAPD in allogynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994,39(7):661-664].[陈洪,杨靖,薛国雄, 等. RAPD在异精激发方正银鲫比较研究中的应用. 科学通报,1994,39(7):661-663][5] Zhang H F, Chen X L, Shu H, et al. RAPD analysis of gynogenetic F1 progeny triggering by heterologous sperms and their parents of Pengze crucian carp(Carassius auratus)[J]. Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 1999, 5(5):507-511.[张海发,陈湘NB024,舒琥, 等. 异源精子激发彭泽鲫雌核发育产生的子一代及亲本RAPD分析. 应用与环境生物学报,1999,5(5):507-511][6] Chen X L, Zhao J, Ma G Z, et al. Application of gynogenetic crucian carp in fish breeding [J]. Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science), 1998, supplement: 1-3.[陈湘NB024,赵俊,马广智,等. 雌核发育鲫鱼在育种上的应用. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版),1998,(增刊):1-3][7] Schartl M, Nandal I and Schlupp I et al., Incorporation of subgenomic amounts of host species DNA in the gynogenetic Amazon molly [J]. Nature, 1995, 373: 67-71[8] Lu Y D, Shen H, Lu J and Shi H. Comparative studies on biochemical composition in serum of allogynogenetic Qihe crucian carp and its parents [J]. Zool Res, 1991, 12(2):181-185.[楼允东,沈NB058,陆君,时宏. 异育淇鲫及其亲本血清生化组成的比较研究. 动物学研究,1991,12(2):181-185][9] Zhang Y P, Liu H, Lou Y D. Electrophoresis of isozymes and muscle protein of an abnormal crucian carp[J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1990, 17(1):34-37.[张英培,刘红,楼允东. 异育淇鲫及其双亲同工酶的比较研究. 遗传学报,1990,17(1):34-37][10] Teng C B, Sun X W and Shen J B. RAPD analysis of gynogenetic crucian carp activiated by heterologous sperms and their parents [J]. Journal of Fisheries of China, 1999, 23(4): 420-423.[滕春波,孙孝文,沈俊宝. 利用异源精子激发雌核发育的银鲫及亲本的RAPD分析. 水产学报,1999,23(4):420-423][11] Zhou L, Wang Y, Gui J F. Genetic evidence for gonochoritic reproduction in gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gobelio Block) as revealed by RAPD assays [J]. J Mol Evol, 2000a,51:498-506[12] Zhu L F. Gradient Gel Electrophoresis on polyacrylamide of isozymes and proteins of fishes [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica sinaca, 1992,16(2): 183-185.[朱蓝菲. 鱼类同工酶和蛋白质的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法. 水生生物学报,1992,16(2):183-185][13] Zhou L and Gui J F. Karyotypic dicersity in polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gobelio Block [J]. Genetica, 2002, 115:223-232[14] Zhou L, Wang Y, Gui J F. Analysis of genetic heterogeneity among five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, based on detection of RAPD molecular markers [J]. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 2000b,88:133-139[15] Li M Y, Zhou L, Yang L, et al. Molecular genetic analysis on Pengze crucian carp and comparison with strain A of gynogenetic silver crucian carp [J]. Journal of Fisheries China, 2002, 26(5): 472-476.[李名友,周莉,杨林,等. 彭泽鲫的分子遗传分析及其与方正银鲫A系的比较. 水产学报,2002,26(5):472-476][16] Yao J H, Lou Y D, Jiang Y. A study on mitochondrial DNA polymorphis among six geographical populations of Carassius auratus gobelio in China [J]. Journal of Fisheries of China, 1998, 22(4): 289-295. [姚纪花,楼允东,江涌. 我国六个地区银鲫种群线粒体DNA多态性的研究. 水产学报,1998,22(4):289-295][17] Zhang H, Dong X H, Ye Y Z and Wu Q J. Comparative studies of the mtDNA from three strains of triploid Carassius auratus and Carassius auratus auratus [J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1998, 25(4): 330-336. [张辉,董新红,叶玉珍, 等. 三个三倍体鲫鱼品系及野鲫mtDNA的比较研究. 遗传学报,1998,25(4):330-336][18] Yang R J, Li B X, Feng H, Yang C B, Sun Y D, Zhang X J and Luo S. 2003. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosome number and ploidy of Carassius auratus variety pengze [J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 49(1): 104-109. [杨睿娇,李冰霞,冯浩,杨楚彬,孙远东,张轩杰,罗NB056. 2003. 彭泽鲫染色体数目及倍性的细胞遗传学分析. 动物学报,49(1):104-109][19] Wu L Z and Wang Z X. Study on the developmental genetic of isozymes in Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Ⅱ. Analysis of isozymes during the early development of Grass carp [J]. Acta Genetica Sinica, 1987, 14(5): 387-394.[吴力钊,王祖熊. 草鱼同工酶发育遗传学研究. 遗传学报,1987,14(5):387-394]