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Zeng C. Studies on the morphology and function of the urinary system of Monopterus albus(Zuiew)[J]. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 1987, 11(1):1-8.[曾NFDA8. 黄鳝泌尿系统及其功能. 水生生物学报,1987,11(1):1-8][2] Zeng C, Yang C,Xie C、X, et al. Studies on the mucouse epithelium of "degenerate gonad"(urinary bladder)in the rice-field eel,Monopterus albus(Zuiew)by using transmission electron microscope[J]. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 2002, 26(3):264-271.[曾NFDA8,杨春,谢从新,等. 黄鳝所谓退化性腺(膀胱)黏膜上皮的透射电镜观察. 水生生物学报,2002,26(3):264-271][3] Ochiai A. Fish anatomy [M]. Tokyo: Midoli-shobo. 1987,91-92. [落合明. 鱼类解剖学. 东京:绿书房. 1987,91-92][4] Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD. Urinary System[M]. New York:Springer-Verlag. 1986, 281-284[5] Cheng L Z,Feng J S, Feng Z Q, et al. Colour illustration handbook of histology[M] Beijing:People's Hygienics Press. 2000,18. [成令忠,冯京生,冯子强,等. 组织学彩色图鉴. 北京:人民卫生出版社. 2000,18][6] Kawamoto N,Fukuda Y. Illustrations of fish histology by electromicroscopy(osteichthyes)[M]. Tokyo:Yishisaki-Shoten. 1969, 12-13. [川本信之,福田芳生. 鱼类组织图说(硬骨鱼类篇). 东京:石崎书店刊. 1969,12-13][7] Hibiya T. Illustration of fish histology-normal and pathological organization [M]. Tokyo:kodansha. 1983,8-9. [日比谷京. 鱼类组织图说-正常组织と病理组织. 东京:讲谈社. 1983,8-9][8] Li YH, Guo SH. SEM study on the mucosa of digestive tract of Ophicephalus argus Cantor[J]. Acta Anatomica Sinica. 1992, 23(1):98-101. [李玉和,郭淑华. 乌鳢消化道黏膜上皮的扫描电镜研究[J]. 解剖学报. 1992,23(1):98-101][9] Bing Z. Histology of carp[M]. Beijing: Science Press. 1983, 3, 65. [秉志. 鲤鱼组织. 北京:科学出版社. 1983,3,65][10] Grizzle JM, Rogers WA. Anatomy and histology of the Channel catfish[M]. Alabama:Auburn University. 1979, 35-39[11] Teshima K, Tomonaga S, Yamamoto K. Structure of the urinary bladder in the Pacific cod [J]. Japan. J. Ichthyology. 1987, 33(4):394-398[12] Peachey LD,Rasmussen H. Structure of the toad's urinary bladder as related to its physiology[J]. J. Biophysical Biochemical Cytology, 1961, 10: 529-553[13] Choi JK. The fine structure of the urinary bladder of the toad, Buro marinus[J]. J. Cell Biology, 1963,16:53-72
Zeng C. Studies on the morphology and function of the urinary system of Monopterus albus(Zuiew)[J]. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 1987, 11(1):1-8.[曾NFDA8. 黄鳝泌尿系统及其功能. 水生生物学报,1987,11(1):1-8][2] Zeng C, Yang C,Xie C、X, et al. Studies on the mucouse epithelium of "degenerate gonad"(urinary bladder)in the rice-field eel,Monopterus albus(Zuiew)by using transmission electron microscope[J]. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 2002, 26(3):264-271.[曾NFDA8,杨春,谢从新,等. 黄鳝所谓退化性腺(膀胱)黏膜上皮的透射电镜观察. 水生生物学报,2002,26(3):264-271][3] Ochiai A. Fish anatomy [M]. Tokyo: Midoli-shobo. 1987,91-92. [落合明. 鱼类解剖学. 东京:绿书房. 1987,91-92][4] Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD. Urinary System[M]. New York:Springer-Verlag. 1986, 281-284[5] Cheng L Z,Feng J S, Feng Z Q, et al. Colour illustration handbook of histology[M] Beijing:People's Hygienics Press. 2000,18. [成令忠,冯京生,冯子强,等. 组织学彩色图鉴. 北京:人民卫生出版社. 2000,18][6] Kawamoto N,Fukuda Y. Illustrations of fish histology by electromicroscopy(osteichthyes)[M]. Tokyo:Yishisaki-Shoten. 1969, 12-13. [川本信之,福田芳生. 鱼类组织图说(硬骨鱼类篇). 东京:石崎书店刊. 1969,12-13][7] Hibiya T. Illustration of fish histology-normal and pathological organization [M]. Tokyo:kodansha. 1983,8-9. [日比谷京. 鱼类组织图说-正常组织と病理组织. 东京:讲谈社. 1983,8-9][8] Li YH, Guo SH. SEM study on the mucosa of digestive tract of Ophicephalus argus Cantor[J]. Acta Anatomica Sinica. 1992, 23(1):98-101. [李玉和,郭淑华. 乌鳢消化道黏膜上皮的扫描电镜研究[J]. 解剖学报. 1992,23(1):98-101][9] Bing Z. Histology of carp[M]. Beijing: Science Press. 1983, 3, 65. [秉志. 鲤鱼组织. 北京:科学出版社. 1983,3,65][10] Grizzle JM, Rogers WA. Anatomy and histology of the Channel catfish[M]. Alabama:Auburn University. 1979, 35-39[11] Teshima K, Tomonaga S, Yamamoto K. Structure of the urinary bladder in the Pacific cod [J]. Japan. J. Ichthyology. 1987, 33(4):394-398[12] Peachey LD,Rasmussen H. Structure of the toad's urinary bladder as related to its physiology[J]. J. Biophysical Biochemical Cytology, 1961, 10: 529-553[13] Choi JK. The fine structure of the urinary bladder of the toad, Buro marinus[J]. J. Cell Biology, 1963,16:53-72